Formula E News and General Discussion Thread

Good point well made. I'd forgotten that.

I guess it's the ditching of the DAMs side of things that is the news.
RasputinLives - They will do anything to get rid of their second seat wastrel. Unless Nissan are like Toyota/Honda and have a Japanese driver they're backing.

Admittedly, they could win the Indianapolis 500 for you, given enough time. ;)
Double header this weekend from Berlin. e-Dams on 1-2 with Buemi ahead of Prost for race one. Coverage starts in about 15 minutes on C5.
Granted I was knackered and falling asleep during the race but I saw nothing this afternoon that would have made me sit up.

Not a great race.
Finally caught up. Saturday race was interesting but Sunday's race was a bit if a snooze.

teabagyokel Buemi will miss at least one of the races. I would suggest after the DQ he'll make more of an effort to get to the other one.
I want to like it; I really, really do.
But every time I watch it I feel it's overhyped, badly presented, poorly filmed and has limited strategy options.
So not official but it looks like Formula E is starting to address it's calender problems:

No London return but Chile on 2017/18 Formula E calendar

Article focuses on not going back to London (which does suck) but you'll see season now doesn't start until December and has at least one race every month. They're might be at least two more races to go in there as well (not sure why Marrakesh has been missed off).

We also seem to gradually be going towards having double headers at every venue which personally I think is a great idea.
I find it somewhat surprising that a UK city isn't falling over themselves to bring Formula E to their streets. The green credentials and boost to tourism alone should be enough to make an easy sell. I would have thought Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow or Edinburgh would be more than capable.

As for double headers, with the move to one car per race it's not logistically any different to have 1 race needing two cars per driver as it is to have 2 races needing 1 car with a spare so it makes sense.
I nearly thought about giving this it's own thread. This article claims that Formula E has the most competitive field in current motorsport competitions

Opinion: Gauging the changing perceptions of Formula E

I see where they are coming from. No pay drivers - unless you count Prost and Abt - and lots of different titles in lots of different motorsport, but the most competitive? Will have to think on that one.
If they're right, and Formula E has the best driver line-up in the world of motorsport, then someone with a HUGE paycheck needs to be making their way to Sebastien Buemi's door!
Steve Carell is on his way ;-)

So from next year onwards the Abt name is being dropped and the team become the factory entry for Audi

Audi enters Formula E as factory team | Autocar

Bizarrely they are keeping Danny Abt in the drivers line up though when he clearly has only kept his seat because his dad runs the team.

Seems to be a swing towards manufacturers names in Formula E at min so fully expect the EDAMS name to be dropped and the team become Renault or Nissan before next season. That one may have implications on Buemi though due to him driving for another manufacturer in WEC.
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