Current Fernando Alonso

Suprised there's no thread (although I had one for his blogs), so i'll start off:

A double world championship vs Raikkonen and then Schumacher in 2005 and 2006 respectively elevated Alonso's status but, apparently, no one told his rookie teammate at his brand new team of a theoretical 'pecking order' the following season ... and the Spaniard was 'seen off' by the young Englishman, Hamilton, into two years of Wilderness while both Hamilton and an even younger Vettel began to make their mark through '08 and '09.

Arguably, Alonso was in the Top 3 of all the Formula One 'Aces' in the 2000s following Hakkinen's retirement - up there with either Schumacher/Raikkonen and, then, Raikkonen/Hamilton - and remains so in the early 2010s along with Hamilton/Vettel...with only Kubica knocking on the door until the Pole's horrible Rallying accident.

A question mark initially over 2004 during which Trulli lead him in the standing until the Italian fell out with ex-manager and team boss Flavio Briatore (Alonso's then business manager) under dubious circumstances after the French Grand Prix.

Another question mark is...Who has progressed more since the end of 2007: Hamilton or Alonso?

A fan. Then came the unfortunate blackmail allegations against McLaren boss Ron Dennis on the morning of the 2007 Hungarian GP which came to light at the highly costly FIA 'Spy-Gate' hearings before Spa...followed by the odour of the deliberate crashing of the Number 2 Renault car at Singapore in 2008 which lead to Alonso finishing 1st in the event and ended in the banning of Briatore and Pat Symmonds a year later.

2009 was a poor year with 'Nando's' mind likely on the prospect of Santander paving the way to better prospects at Maranello one year earlier.

2010 was a fresh start at Ferrari (who no longer had Schumacher walking through the premises regularly) but first half season mistakes ultimately cost him a title inspite of being infamously aided by a Team Orders switch w Massa at Hockenheim (which lead to more world-wide criticism).

Relatively fast, relatively consistent but prone to mistakes and a possible insecurity complex (*) based on wanting sole focus from a team and being only happy with a Number 2 in the other car running behind him. Anything else and it seemingly rattles him.

(*) This is my own personal opinion.

..and so to 2011...

He's underperformed only at Malaysia (hit Hamilton) and China (invisible while Massa challenged McLarens and Red Bulls) and, arguably, Canada...but has maximized his chances in the other 6 races culminating in the British GP win.

He said in his post-Monaco blog that 'Silverstone would be the WDC cut-off'...and so, after some major upgrades, the Ferrari looks a winner again. It might be too late for 2011 given Vettel's finishing rate...but the 2012 regs means they should keep the hammer down at Maranello.

He's signed on through to 2016...So hopes are high of a WDC at some juncture...but not yet.
So if there's an "alleged by the tabloids" bias towards Hamilton in the New Zealand press in 2007 you'll swallow it up? Because it didn't happen except in one mind so paranoid he lost a title he should have won in a maelstrom of carelessness and spite.

Minimum penalty? That's hogwash and you know it. The minimum penalty is a nominal fine. Schumacher got the same penalty the next session for overtaking under red flags, which I think is considered pretty serious by the governing body.

The Brazil incident was the result of someone else's accident in the same way if I slip over a pool of water behind a "Caution: Wet Floor" sign it is the fault of the person who spilt the water.
Come on teabagyokel, you know me better than that. Show me where I said there was a bias towards Hamilton. My comment was about Alonso, no one else, and my reference was to the British tabloids.

Minimum penalty…..I was referring to time penalties

The Brazil incident WAS the result of someone else's accident. If you read my reply again you'll see that I said IT WAS ALONSO'S FAULT. Alonso piled into someone else's accident, I've said it was his fault, what more do you want from me?
Come on teabagyokel, you know me better than that. Show me where I said there was a bias towards Hamilton. My comment was about Alonso, no one else, and my reference was to the British tabloids.

Oh, yeah, about that. Turns out you didn't. :givemestrength:

I agree with you on what you said about the Alonso/McLaren relationship; it was gone by Barcelona really, wasn't it? He was so desperate to lead into Turn One; did he believe Hamilton had a better strategy or something? Or was it just trying to mark his territory? Something really scrambled his equilibrium that year; he should have won that title.

I think we've reached an equilibrium here. :goodday:
RasputinLives … I"ve tried to find the posting your referring to where you say 'please see above'. I'm sorry RasputinLives I can't find anything where I say if Alonso had stayed and Hamilton left the team would have been better off. That is what you alleged I said. Sorry, my last comment, this is going nowhere.

Please see post #1035 where I detail what I was originally responding too which you later claimed you didn't say and are now trying to avoid answering by nit picking at something else that was said as part of a debate and respond to that....or stop responding. Whichever you prefer.
Do you know what Kewee I kicked this discussion off by saying that Alonso was a wrong'un in 2007 and yet I've quite warmed to him since then but what with all your protestations an'all, I've changed my mind as you have reminded me what a git he really is so if that was your intention then fait accompli so well done for giving me one more thing to feel jaded about....
Kewee but you did say it. I quoted it so there is no stalemate here just you deflecting away from a statement you made that you know was a bit silly.

But its ok we all get carried away when we're big fans of someone/something and we're all aware you get a bit carried away with your hero Alonso.

Be happy he went to Ferrari Kewee. You've said yourself thats where he wants to be.
I'm well past the age of having heroes. Also at my age and with a degree in English Literature I think I can determine what I have and haven't said. :cheers:
Well I have a degree in History so I'm expert in source information and analysing its meaning. I also have a bronze swimming certificate and my 'making a camp fire' cubs badge. Plus there are no such thing as heros as every man is falable.

But anyway. How about Fernando eh?
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RasputinLives ….. We have no way of comparing accurately as you would need to put your chosen drivers in equal cars. The three drivers I rate above the rest are Vettel, Alonso, Hamilton, not necessarily in that order. In equal cars I would place Alonso and Hamilton above Vettel with Alonso getting the better of Hamilton. Those positions are based on the drivers being in a good car but not exceptional. If the car was exceptional and suited Vettel's style I don't believe Hamilton or Alonso would beat him, they may not even get close. :yawn: Sorry, nearly Kiwi's bedtime.
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Kewee we appear to be at cross purposes. I'm not arguing on who is the better driver I'm merely stating that the idea that if Alonso had stayed at Mclaren they would have won multiple championships and be compeating with Red Bull is complete hocum!

But hey ho.
I would have thought three days of going round in circles on that subject and getting nowhere would have been enough for you RasputinLives. :shocked: I'm not going back there to argue. :sleeping:

You didn't argue it though you just kept denying you said it and making out like I was some sort of troll. But yes lets shut up.

Titch do you think it would have worked Alonso at Red Bull? I'm struggling to see how Alonso and Kimi is going to work and thats against another driver whose flame is waining. Against Vettel in his own team I think it would have been a huge mess.
I'm not sure it would be a mess, challenging certainly. He would hate playing second fiddle to Vettel for sure, but I think the team would have to play lip service to them being on equal terms, which is probably why it didn't happen. But he's good enough to scare Vettel out of his complacency if he's in the same car, Vettel would have had to work very hard.
We would have seen the odd tantrum or two, which would have livened things up a bit.
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