
Rad am Ring was totally awesome. And exhausting. I did the 75 km (3 laps). Finished in 2hours 21 minutes, 111th (out of probably around 600). Which was better than I expected.

In the first lap I had a maximum speed of 97 km/h. Lovely quick turns, one I could do with almost 75 km/h, which was kinda necessary too, because after the turn there was a small climb and you needed any speed you could get to climb that on the big ring.

Hohe Acht was not so pleasant though. very steep at the end of a longish climb. I was kinda crawling there. In the first lap I though I had the hardest part of the lap behind me, but the rest of the lap is a rolling road in which you have to use almost every gear available, so that was hard too.
No I don't use strave. I have a Polar S725X, I can upload the data to my computer. It has no GPS (it's already 8 years old).
It records heartrate, speed, altitude and cadance.
Here's the laptimes

2, 3 and 4 are 1st, 2nd and 3rd lap (1 is warming up).
5th column is average speed of the lap, penultimate colums is the distance of the lap.

Here's the graph of the data:

Red line is heartrate.
Blue line is speed
Green line is cadance
Thin red line is height (I didn't calibrate it correctly beforehand. Actual maximum height is 620 meter, start and Hohe acht is at that altitude, instead of 350 at which I set it):ermmm:
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Lowest speed uphill was 8,6. Since it records every 5 seconds it may actually have been a bit lower, although I don't really think so.
Topspeed was 97, so that's a difference of almost 90 km/h.

(in miles it's 5.34 low, 60.2 highspeed).
What a shame that they got the first stage wrong for the Tour. When they get to the head of Wharfedale they should turn left over Fleet Moss rather than right over the easier Kidstones. They would also get the almost straight drop down into Hawes from the top of the climb, just let the bike go as fast as you dare.
The steepest road in Europe used by traffic is in Bristol it has a section with a 45 degree gradient (1 -1) I've never seen anyone on a push bike ride down it let alone attempt the climb just walking up it is a killer so if any of you cyclists are ever in the area and fancy having a go give me a call so that I can video it and post it on the funny stuff from the internet thread...

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