Being a family-oriented corporation, I bet ticket prices would be reduced to a more affordable and reasonable level under Disney
lack of evidence in the case against him,
i hope we get loopings as well, because they always looked interesting to me when I was a kid playing with my slot cars.Oh I do love that idea. I can just see it now, all race tracks would be Disneyfied, with little grottos to drive through, and things that jumped out and said "boo". Bernie would love it, all his mad ideas would come to pass.
Apparently you've never been to Disney World.Being a family-oriented corporation, I bet ticket prices would be reduced to a more affordable and reasonable level under Disney
Yes, in another universe time continuam Bernie is guilty and hands over ownership to the bloke who runs WWE.Well, there definitely is something decidedly quarky going on.
My fear entirely, so in essence the F1 fans are between the Devil & the Deep Blue Sea, Keep the Dictator or let F1 go to the Wolves?Can I just say that, whilst I am no way a fan of Bernie in the slightest, when he is finally gone it will only take a few years before people are wishing he was back.
Bernie holds together a very divided empire and is the only individual who has this power. He milks the hell out of his citizens and is a dictator but he holds it together. When he us gone the empire will fall apart becauae there is no one who has the clout he does with the teams. All of then will come in screaming for their piece of the pie whilst being completely unable to agree with each other meaning we'll end up with stupid rules and stupid things happening before eventually having Formula Ferrari, Formula Red Bull and Formula Ron Dennis.
It may rebuild itself but you mark my words it will get worse before it will get better. The barbarians are at the gates already.