Weird Science

bit dodgy mining asteroids for rare earths (which is what are needed to make modern chips).
Asteroids are mostly ice, carbon and iron, all stuff that's as common as shite and worth about as much - there's not a whole hell of a lot of point in finding a massively expensive way of finding stuff that you can already trip over just by stepping out the door.
I think the point is that they're saying asteroids have a much higher concentration of materials that are rare on earth and in increasing demand.

I'm sceptical myself, there's a ridiculous amount of work that needs to be done to make something like this commercially viable. Taking a random stab in the dark, I'd be surprised if they manage to create a self-sustaining company within two decades, probably more, if they ever make it.

Having said that, the fact that there are nutters willing to invest in it and give it a try can only be a good thing. It's big projects like this that advance technology and result in ideas that no one had even thought of before.
Hmmm, certain metals (Platinum family being the main part of these) are not found naturally on earth, th deposits which are mined are mostly made up of metals left over from impacts in the past. This is why these metal are so expensive. Some popular estimats show that some near earth asteroids could contain as much platinum as the total amount ever mined on earth. So the huge profits expected from mining these metals wouldn't come about as they are likely to flood the market and push the prices through the floor.

I think the big issue is the legal one, there are some that would argue that you are not allowed to claim any spacial body for commercial development under the treaty signed back in the 60s and then ratified and improved upon by th UN. This could be a very expensive business as technically we all own a part of what would be mined so until this theory is tested in court then the unknown will be how much money this could possible ever make compared the the rediculously huge set up costs they will face...
The best thing for Weird Science ever is Kelly LeBrock. Google that for an eye opener!

Avoid all current images though..urgh...:o:(
Your right she really is weird science. HOW is this the same person.

Yeah it's surprising and the results are impressive. My chemistry knowledge is terrible but I remember my teacher saying that soap works because it's an alkali and reacts with the first couple of layers of skin to create the bubbly stuff that leaves our hands clean afterwards. Maybe I've got this wrong or maybe it's common knowledge, but when you wash your own hands are undergoing a more controlled version of a similar alkali reaction!
That's a good point (Dove soap being pH neutral), and a bit of browsing later I don't think what I said is really correct, or it's at least very simplified (perhaps not surprising since my Chemistry didn't make it beyond GCSE). There's an article here that describes how soap works and it's something to do with the molecule having a water phobic and a water loving end, but I don't really understand it.
I know wale blubber is a natural soap. Beyond that my only other soap knowledge is the history of Albert Square and it's occupants. Guilty pleasure. :embarrassed:
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