Here it is guys, the ultimate F1 gift especially for Renault fans - the F1 salt and pepper pot (I kid you not)
These are made from the gearbox oil filter housing of a Renault F1 car and, should you be feel the need to impress your dinner party guest with such wonderful items, will set you back a cool €1,518 - no, I haven't typed that incorrectly.
So forget about your Breitlinger, Rolex and Rado watches; buy these instead - although they're not so useful if you want to know what the time is...

These are made from the gearbox oil filter housing of a Renault F1 car and, should you be feel the need to impress your dinner party guest with such wonderful items, will set you back a cool €1,518 - no, I haven't typed that incorrectly.
So forget about your Breitlinger, Rolex and Rado watches; buy these instead - although they're not so useful if you want to know what the time is...