Greetings fellow Clip-ites, in researching this project I discovered to my great surprise that the concept of quizzes actually pre-dates 15th October 2008 (the day CTA was first graced by a thread containing interesting questions for our delectation). Amazingly, the humble quiz has been a staple of our society for many hundreds of years, after all was it not Chaucer himself who wrote 'Thou gettes nothyng for a pair inne thys game.' Thankfully things have moved on and as long as your 'pair' is two correct answers then you can be the proud owner of a pair of points. And what do points mean?...... That's right boys and girls, points mean a warm glow of satisfaction and self fulfilment, not for us the prurient pursuit of earthly chattels or the temptations of crass materialism! Hammered that one in enough? Yeah, think so, lets just hope they don't find out I blew the budget on rum and digestives and John McGuinness.
First off, lets get a few of the ground rules in. I've trawled through all of the old quiz threads and pulled out all the scores, where possible I've also inferred a few scores from what people have posted, but obviously I'm not a mind reader so:
1. Please post your score clearly if you wish to be included in these here tables.
The very nature of these quizzes means that the tables can only be updated once everyone has taken part and posted their score. Given that's it's difficult to ascertain who might intend to post in the future and also that this thread will benefit from as many people taking part as possible there will be some lag time between updates. Current plan is to do monthly updates (with the aforementioned 'spiritual benefits' as prizes along with the occasional treat) with each thread being given between 1 and 2 weeks to garner enough participants. So:
2. I will post a message in each quiz thread when I harvest all the scores. Scores posted after that will not automatically be counted and I won't be re-checking old threads. Scores may be PM'd to me and I will do my best to include them in the table.
I would ask that people are honest about their scores, I have no real way of discerning whether you're all telling the truth or not so I'm going to have to take scores at face value (be warned though, Brogan employs some pretty nasty types to enforce his rule so watch out!).
3.Be honest, this is a bit of fun after all and it will be a bit pointless if we're just making up our own scores.
I'm hoping that the different tables and stats I have in mind will be interesting and a little bit entertaining but I'm pretty sure there will be connotations I haven't considered. All input and constructive criticism is welcomed, if there's something different you'd like to see then please feel free to ask and I'll do my best to accommodate your request.
4.Ask and ye may receive.
Lastly, one for the quiz setters. For averaging purposes all quizzes are scored out of 10, mainly because that's the number of questions in nearly all of them posted so far. Please don't let that deter you from posting larger quizzes, far be it from me to limit the scope of your ambition, it might actually be nice to have some larger ones for special occasions. All scores/fractions are converted as accurately as practically possible.
5. Go mad, pose how ever many questions with as many fractions as you like, I do have a calculator after all.
Right, that's all I can think of at the moment so onto the good stuff! I'm going to break things down into several different averages and display peoples scores for various periods. One small caveat, the scores for 2009 can be slightly skewed as participation was not as good as it is now and less people took part on a regular basis. It's also worth noting that quizzes will be grouped by start date, so for example the table for January 2010 will take into account all quiz threads started during that month. Basically there are four different scores for any given quiz or quizzes:
Total points scored.
Does what it says on the tin. Only really useful for the later quizzes where we have a core group of people taking part with some regularity.
Overall Average.
This will be the average score across all quizzes in a given period regardless of participation. So this one will really reward those who take part on a regular basis, provided they get some questions right of course. It will also weed out the anomalous scores from people who perhaps take part only once and score quite highly, not that their scores aren't valid but it can skew the true picture of which users are scoring most consistently.
Entered Average.
As you might guess this is the average score for all quizzes that the user has actually posted a score for. I think this will be the benchmark for most people as it's probably the fairest way of rating performance. Again though, participation will affect it as someone entering only once and scoring fairly well stands a much greater chance of placing highly.
'Above Average' Frequency.
The last category will be a breakdown of how often each user has scored above the overall average for quizzes over a given period. I might not post this one as often as every month because out of all the stats it benefits the most from having plenty of quizzes to go on, perhaps a quarterly breakdown of how everyone's getting on.
Hmm, I just promised you the 'good stuff' and proceeded to ramble on about rules and categories again. Right then, now onto the really good stuff, I promise.
We'll start with some of the historic data for 2009, I didn't bother to break it down any further than that as the results would have been badly skewed (and yes, before some pedant points it out there is one result from 2008 but I'm damned if I'm doing a whole separate table just for that one).
2009 Total Points Scored & Overall Averages.
380 points were available.
[td]Pos.[/td][td]Username[/td][td]Total Points[/td][td]Overall Average[/td]
2009 Entered Average – with bonus above average frequency!!
Average points scored across all quizzes in 2009: 2.62, so there's your benchmark.
[td]Pos.[/td][td]Username[/td][td]Entered Average[/td][td]Above Av.[/td]
So we can see that going by total points and overall average the prize for 2009 goes to cider_and_toast, ahh, here's my glamorous assistant with your prize:
Thank you John.
Next we move swiftly onto the results for this year. Tables for total points and overall average followed by entered averages for each month up to June. The bracketed numbers in the headers of the two tables represent the total points available (and therefore number of quizzes) in the first table and the entered average across all users in the second table, the average average if you will.
January 2010.
[td]Pos.[/td][td]Username[/td][td]Total Points (40)[/td][td]Overall Average[/td]
[td]Pos.[/td][td]Username[/td][td]Entered Average (3.36)[/td]
February 2010.
[td]Pos.[/td][td]Username[/td][td]Total Points(20)[/td][td]Overall Average[/td]
[td]Pos.[/td][td]Username[/td][td]Entered Average (4.7)[/td]
March 2010
[td]Pos.[/td][td]Username[/td][td]Total Points(10)[/td][td]Overall Average[/td]
[td]Pos.[/td][td]Username[/td][td]Entered Average (8)[/td]
April 2010.
[td]Pos.[/td][td]Username[/td][td]Total Points(40)[/td][td]Overall Average[/td]
[td]Pos.[/td][td]Username[/td][td]Entered Average (2.47)[/td]
May 2010.
[td]Pos.[/td][td]Username[/td][td]Total Points(20)[/td][td]Overall Average[/td]
[td]Pos.[/td][td]Username[/td][td]Entered Average (1.73)[/td]
June 2010.
[td]Pos.[/td][td]Username[/td][td]Total Points(40)[/td][td]Overall Average[/td]
[td]Pos.[/td][td]Username[/td][td]Entered Average (3.1)[/td]
There we go, I'm off to wash some of the numbers out of my brain with a cold beer.
Appended Tables:
July 2010.
[td]Pos.[/td][td]Username[/td][td]Total Points(70)[/td][td]Overall Average[/td]
[td]Pos.[/td][td]Username[/td][td]Entered Average (2.92)[/td]
August 2010.
[td]Pos.[/td][td]Username[/td][td]Total Points(70)[/td][td]Overall Average[/td]
[td]Pos.[/td][td]Username[/td][td]Entered Average (2.92)[/td]
September 2010.
[td]Pos.[/td][td]Username[/td][td]Total Points(90)[/td][td]Overall Average[/td]
[td]Pos.[/td][td]Username[/td][td]Entered Average (3.1)[/td]
First off, lets get a few of the ground rules in. I've trawled through all of the old quiz threads and pulled out all the scores, where possible I've also inferred a few scores from what people have posted, but obviously I'm not a mind reader so:
1. Please post your score clearly if you wish to be included in these here tables.
The very nature of these quizzes means that the tables can only be updated once everyone has taken part and posted their score. Given that's it's difficult to ascertain who might intend to post in the future and also that this thread will benefit from as many people taking part as possible there will be some lag time between updates. Current plan is to do monthly updates (with the aforementioned 'spiritual benefits' as prizes along with the occasional treat) with each thread being given between 1 and 2 weeks to garner enough participants. So:
2. I will post a message in each quiz thread when I harvest all the scores. Scores posted after that will not automatically be counted and I won't be re-checking old threads. Scores may be PM'd to me and I will do my best to include them in the table.
I would ask that people are honest about their scores, I have no real way of discerning whether you're all telling the truth or not so I'm going to have to take scores at face value (be warned though, Brogan employs some pretty nasty types to enforce his rule so watch out!).
3.Be honest, this is a bit of fun after all and it will be a bit pointless if we're just making up our own scores.
I'm hoping that the different tables and stats I have in mind will be interesting and a little bit entertaining but I'm pretty sure there will be connotations I haven't considered. All input and constructive criticism is welcomed, if there's something different you'd like to see then please feel free to ask and I'll do my best to accommodate your request.
4.Ask and ye may receive.
Lastly, one for the quiz setters. For averaging purposes all quizzes are scored out of 10, mainly because that's the number of questions in nearly all of them posted so far. Please don't let that deter you from posting larger quizzes, far be it from me to limit the scope of your ambition, it might actually be nice to have some larger ones for special occasions. All scores/fractions are converted as accurately as practically possible.
5. Go mad, pose how ever many questions with as many fractions as you like, I do have a calculator after all.
Right, that's all I can think of at the moment so onto the good stuff! I'm going to break things down into several different averages and display peoples scores for various periods. One small caveat, the scores for 2009 can be slightly skewed as participation was not as good as it is now and less people took part on a regular basis. It's also worth noting that quizzes will be grouped by start date, so for example the table for January 2010 will take into account all quiz threads started during that month. Basically there are four different scores for any given quiz or quizzes:
Total points scored.
Does what it says on the tin. Only really useful for the later quizzes where we have a core group of people taking part with some regularity.
Overall Average.
This will be the average score across all quizzes in a given period regardless of participation. So this one will really reward those who take part on a regular basis, provided they get some questions right of course. It will also weed out the anomalous scores from people who perhaps take part only once and score quite highly, not that their scores aren't valid but it can skew the true picture of which users are scoring most consistently.
Entered Average.
As you might guess this is the average score for all quizzes that the user has actually posted a score for. I think this will be the benchmark for most people as it's probably the fairest way of rating performance. Again though, participation will affect it as someone entering only once and scoring fairly well stands a much greater chance of placing highly.
'Above Average' Frequency.
The last category will be a breakdown of how often each user has scored above the overall average for quizzes over a given period. I might not post this one as often as every month because out of all the stats it benefits the most from having plenty of quizzes to go on, perhaps a quarterly breakdown of how everyone's getting on.
Hmm, I just promised you the 'good stuff' and proceeded to ramble on about rules and categories again. Right then, now onto the really good stuff, I promise.
We'll start with some of the historic data for 2009, I didn't bother to break it down any further than that as the results would have been badly skewed (and yes, before some pedant points it out there is one result from 2008 but I'm damned if I'm doing a whole separate table just for that one).
2009 Total Points Scored & Overall Averages.
380 points were available.
1 | cider_and _toast | 68.57 | 1.85 |
2 | McZiderRed | 42.85 | 1.16 |
3 | FB | 40.8 | 1.1 |
4 | Galahad | 28.32 | 0.77 |
5 | Brogan | 26.17 | 0.71 |
6 | Andrea_Moda_Rules | 17 | 0.46 |
7 | Boyle99 | 10.5 | 0.28 |
8 | Bellabella | 7.5 | 0.2 |
9 | teabagyokel | 7.33 | 0.2 |
10 | fedupwithuserids | 5 | 0.14 |
11 | Muddytalker | 4.66 | 0.13 |
12 | Croydon Bob | 4 | 0.11 |
13 | GeoffP | 4 | 0.11 |
14 | Speshal | 4 | 0.11 |
15 | Higgins87 | 3.66 | 0.1 |
16 | Bullfrog | 2 | 0.05 |
17 | buxted-plump | 0 | 0 |
2009 Entered Average – with bonus above average frequency!!
Average points scored across all quizzes in 2009: 2.62, so there's your benchmark.
1 | Bellabella | 7.5 | 1/1 |
2 | Andrea_Moda_Rules | 5.67 | 3/3 |
3 | fedupwithuserids | 5 | 1/1 |
4 | Croydon Bob | 4 | 1/1 |
5 | GeoffP | 4 | 1/1 |
6 | teabagyokel | 3.67 | 2/2 |
7 | Higgins87 | 3.66 | 1/1 |
8 | Boyle99 | 3.5 | 1/3 |
9 | cider_and_toast | 3.27 | 17/21 |
10 | Galahad | 3.15 | 6/9 |
11 | FB | 2.55 | 9/16 |
12 | Muddytalker | 2.33 | 1/2 |
13 | Bullfrog | 2 | 0/1 |
14 | Speshal | 2 | 1/2 |
15 | McZiderRed | 1.95 | 9/22 |
16 | Brogan | 1.74 | 2/15 |
17 | buxted-plump | 0 | 0/1 |
So we can see that going by total points and overall average the prize for 2009 goes to cider_and_toast, ahh, here's my glamorous assistant with your prize:
Thank you John.
Next we move swiftly onto the results for this year. Tables for total points and overall average followed by entered averages for each month up to June. The bracketed numbers in the headers of the two tables represent the total points available (and therefore number of quizzes) in the first table and the entered average across all users in the second table, the average average if you will.
January 2010.
1 | FB | 10.75 | 2.69 |
2 | Life_W12 | 10 | 2.5 |
3 | cider_and_toast | 9 | 2.25 |
4 | siffert_fan | 9 | 2.25 |
5 | teabagyokel | 8.25 | 2.06 |
6 | Muddytalker | 6 | 1.5 |
7 | Brogan | 4 | 1 |
8 | McZiderRed | 3.75 | 0.94 |
9 | Higgins87 | 3.4 | 0.85 |
1 | siffert_fan | 9 |
2 | Muddytalker | 6 |
3 | Life_W12 | 5 |
4 | teabagyokel | 4.13 |
5 | Higgins87 | 3.4 |
6 | cider_and_toast | 3 |
7 | FB | 2.69 |
8 | McZiderRed | 1.88 |
9 | Brogan | 1.33 |
February 2010.
1 | cider_and_toast | 12.43 | 6.22 |
2 | Muddytalker | 7.15 | 3.58 |
3 | Life_W12 | 6.79 | 3.4 |
4 | teabagyokel | 5.9 | 2.95 |
5 | Higgins87 | 5.72 | 2.86 |
6 | Galahad | 3 | 1.5 |
7 | FB | 2 | 1 |
8 | McZiderRed | 1 | 0.5 |
1 | Muddytalker | 7.15 |
2 | Life_W12 | 6.79 |
3 | cider_and_toast | 6.22 |
4 | teabagyokel | 5.9 |
5 | Higgins87 | 5.72 |
6 | Galahad | 3 |
7 | FB | 2 |
8 | McZiderRed | 1 |
March 2010
1 | cider_and_toast | 8 | 8 |
1 | cider_and_toast | 8 |
April 2010.
1 | FB | 11.83 | 2.96 |
2 | Muddytalker | 11.49 | 2.87 |
3 | cider_and_toast | 10.83 | 2.71 |
4 | Higgins87 | 10.66 | 2.67 |
5 | Brogan | 6 | 1.5 |
6 | Galahad | 3 | 0.75 |
7 | slickskid | 2.33 | 0.58 |
8 | McZiderRed | 1 | 0.25 |
1 | Galahad | 3 |
2 | FB | 2.96 |
3 | Muddytalker | 2.87 |
4 | cider_and_toast | 2.71 |
5 | Higgins87 | 2.67 |
6 | slickskid | 2.33 |
7 | Brogan | 1.5 |
8 | McZiderRed | 1 |
May 2010.
1 | Muddytalker | 7.33 | 3.67 |
2 | Higgins87 | 3.66 | 1.83 |
3 | Galahad | 3 | 1.5 |
4 | FB | 2 | 1 |
5 | Brogan | 1.33 | 0.67 |
6 | cider_and-toast | 0 | 0 |
1 | Muddytalker | 3.67 |
2 | Galahad | 3 |
3 | Higgins87 | 1.83 |
4 | FB | 1 |
5 | Brogan | 0.67 |
6 | cider-and-toast | 0 |
June 2010.
1 | Muddytalker | 15.68 | 3.92 |
2 | cider_and_toast | 14 | 3.5 |
3 | FB | 9.53 | 2.38 |
4 | Bullfrog | 8.16 | 2.04 |
5 | Higgins87 | 7.06 | 1.77 |
6 | Brogan | 6.32 | 1.58 |
7 | McZiderRed | 3.25 | 0.81 |
8 | Galahad | 2.07 | 0.52 |
1 | cider_and_toast | 4.67 |
2 | Muddytalker | 3.92 |
3 | Higgins87 | 3.53 |
4 | McZiderRed | 3.25 |
5 | FB | 3.18 |
6 | Bullfrog | 2.72 |
7 | Galahad | 2.07 |
8 | Brogan | 1.58 |
There we go, I'm off to wash some of the numbers out of my brain with a cold beer.
Appended Tables:
July 2010.
1 | FB | 22.91 | 3.27 |
2 | Muddlytalker | 22.8 | 3.26 |
3 | cider_and_toast | 21.75 | 3.11 |
4 | MajorDanby | 15.5 | 2.21 |
5 | Bullfrog | 13.75 | 1.96 |
6 | Galahad | 11.5 | 1.64 |
7 | Brogan | 11 | 1.57 |
8 | McZiderRed | 7.75 | 1.11 |
9 | Higgins87 | 5.8 | 0.83 |
10 | Bleu | 3.5 | 0.5 |
11 | Boyle99 | 2.66 | 0.38 |
12 | fat_jez | 2.33 | 0.33 |
13 | teabagyokel | 0.5 | 0.07 |
1 | Galahad | 5.75 |
2 | FB | 3.82 |
3 | Muddytalker | 3.8 |
4 | cider_and_toast | 3.63 |
5 | Bleu | 3.5 |
6 | MajorDanby | 3.1 |
7 | Brogan | 2.75 |
8 | Bullfrog | 2.75 |
9 | Boyle99 | 2.66 |
10 | fat_jez | 2.33 |
11 | McZiderRed | 1.29 |
12 | Higgins87 | 1.16 |
13 | teabagyokel | 0.5 |
August 2010.
1 | Galahad | 37.41 | 4.16 |
2 | FB | 20.07 | 2.23 |
3 | McLarenSupremo | 16.16 | 1.8 |
4 | cider_and_toast | 13.16 | 1.46 |
5 | F1 Yorkshire | 9.24 | 1.03 |
6 | teabagyokel | 8 | 0.89 |
7 | Grizzly | 7.5 | 0.83 |
8 | Muddytalker | 7 | 0.78 |
9 | MajorDanby | 6.33 | 0.7 |
10 | Speshal | 5.933 | 0.66 |
11 | toocheesef1 | 5.08 | 0.56 |
12 | McZiderRed | 4.91 | 0.55 |
13 | Bleu | 3.66 | 0.41 |
14 | Bullfrog | 3.25 | 0.36 |
15 | Brogan | 1 | 0.11 |
1 | cider_and_toast | 4.39 |
2 | Galahad | 4.16 |
3 | McLarenSupremo | 4.04 |
4 | Bleu | 3.66 |
5 | Muddytalker | 3.5 |
6 | MajorDanby | 3.17 |
7 | Speshal | 2.97 |
8 | FB | 2.87 |
9 | teabagyokel | 2.67 |
10 | tooncheesef1 | 2.54 |
11 | Grizzly | 2.5 |
12 | McZiderRed | 1.64 |
13 | Bullfrog | 1.63 |
14 | F1Yorkshire | 1.54 |
15 | Brogan | 1 |
September 2010.
1 | FB | 21.78 | 2.42 |
2 | Speshal | 20.56 | 2.28 |
3 | cider_and toast | 19.49 | 2.17 |
4 | Bleu | 14.82 | 1.65 |
5 | F1Yorkshire | 13.95 | 1.55 |
6 | Life_W12 | 13.49 | 1.5 |
7 | teabagyokel | 10.7 | 1.19 |
8 | Galahad | 9.3 | 1.03 |
9 | tooncheesef1 | 8.33 | 0.93 |
10 | Andrea_Moda_Rules | 4 | 0.44 |
11 | McLarenSupremo | 4 | 0.44 |
12 | fat_jez | 3 | 0.33 |
13 | MajorDanby | 3 | 0.33 |
14 | Jru | 2.5 | 0.28 |
15 | Boyle99 | 1 | 0.11 |
1 | Life_W12 | 6.75 |
2 | Galahad | 4.65 |
3 | Speshal | 4.11 |
4 | Andrea_Moda_Rules | 4 |
5 | McLarenSupremo | 4 |
6 | Bleu | 3.71 |
7 | teabagyokel | 3.57 |
8 | cider_and_toast | 3.25 |
9 | MajorDanby | 3 |
10 | tooncheesef1 | 2.78 |
11 | FB | 2.75 |
12 | Jru | 2.5 |
13 | F1Yorkshire | 1.99 |
14 | fat_jez | 1.5 |
15 | Boyle99 | 1 |