Queensferry Crossing, HMS Queen Elizabeth and all things Royal Navy

The QE arrives in Portsmouth.

Yep, we've been in that pub quite often.

HMS Lizzie looks magnificent doesn't she. Pity her home base isn't Plymouth though.
Have they shut the other one?

Bridge looks stunning, is their a toll? If there is you should get the people from Skye to come down and organise a protest.
The old one is shut. No toll (on any bridge in Scotland).

I think everyone in Scotland has come for a drive over it on the first day.
The old one is fucked. It is at the end of it's life. That is why they built the new one.

The old one will only take pedestrians, bicyles and busses.
It is basically retired and taking it easy.
I'm sure it will be fine for a few more decades. How do you take a suspension bridge down is the next problem.
Never been done before. At least not intentionally.

What's gone wrong then, Rosyth is not a Naval base it's a build, refit and repair yard now, one would expect most post build defect items to be carried out in Portsmouth unless it needs dry docking.
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