Qualifying Can it be Improved..


The qualifying sessions have been changed several times other the history of Formula one, but is the latest formant the best?

Which format did you prefer and what would you do to improve the spectacle? Also which format in your opinion was the worse?

Here are a few to think about

The one hour free for all.
The one hour with a 12 lap limit.
The one lap shoot out...:sick:
The present format in its latest guise..

Or maybe you have an idea of your own for a completely new format to sort out the grid positions...
Actually some sort of aggregate time system isn't a bad idea I'm gonna think about that, I can remember a system where there were two qualifying sessions one on a Friday and one one on a saturday and I think the best time counted, as this would allow for weather, also somewhere in the back of the the old grey matter it is telling me there may have been a time when it was an aggregate system, I must check this out....
I'm not in favour of any sort of aggregate time beause that's what races are about. Pole is there to reward absolute one-lap pace and that's how it should stay.
The current format is excellent and the only thing I would change is the rule about having to qualify on your tyre of choice to start the race with.
I can remember a system where there were two qualifying sessions one on a Friday and one one on a saturday and I think the best time counted, as this would allow for weather, also somewhere in the back of the the old grey matter it is telling me there may have been a time when it was an aggregate system, I must check this out....
I dont think there was ever a time with an aggregate system.
The current format works very well until we get to Q3. If a midfielder finds they have reached Q3 they often choose not to run in order to save a set of tyres. I don't think forcing them to do 3 laps would work, if anything it could mean watching some cars slowly crawling around for 3 laps to ensure they have fresh tyres.

This could be solved very easily. If you get to Q3 you get 1 additional set of option tyres to do your quick laps on. These tyres are then taken away again after qually. And to make things fair you can start the race on what ever tyre you wish just like the rest of the field. I have never agreed with this rule for the top 10 only, it seems sometimes drivers are actually happy about qualifying 11th rather than 10th. Clearly thats not correct.

Edit : As for an aggregate system, that is a terrible idea, I can't see anyone enjoying that other than accountants sitting with their spreadsheets and laptops working out what 3 times are required for aggregate pole. Talk about killing the excitement... and he crosses the line... lets just work out if that was fastest.....no. :rolleyes:
I like the current format. Even in Q1 you sometimes get a top runner playing "dare" with the time sheets and using slower tires to scrape through.

For me the worst was the one lap shoot out. It never really got interesting for me until the top runners went out at the end. If memory serves me right, the cars ran in reverse order of last race so a top driver out of the previous GP would be disadvantaged by going out to do their run when the track was slower.

The only thing I would like changed is grid drops for mechanical issues.
Qualifying is good in Q1 and 2, but when it gets to Q3 it's not very good.

My idea is to keep Q1 and 2 as there are. But change Q3 to a one lap shoot out, with the 10th place finisher in Q2 going first and 1st place finisher in Q2 last. Make a rule should a driver fail to set a lap in Q3 he'll recieve a 3 Place grid drop. It's the only way i can see it going. Especially since this tyre rule is gonna carry on for top 10.
I think the qualifying as it is is fine, but the tyre rules make it worse than what it could be with drivers only doing one run and some not even doing a run at all just to save tyres for the race
Just get qually tyres, purple marked super super super super super super super super super soft tyres! Good for 5 laps, out lap, flying lap in lap so they can do 2 runs at the start and end, or 1 lap on the options and another on the qually tyres, this should be for all drivers so the slow guys in Q1 can put a set on and challenge the guys in midfield, the midfield runners can use them for a chance to get into Q3, and the top teams can use them in Q3 or to defend themselves.
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