New Team World Championship 2012


Valued Member
A little bit of fun for those at the back of the grid...

The "Caterham, Marussia and HRT WC 2012" standings are attached... utilising the 9,6,4,3,2,1 scoring system (my favourite, personal preference and ties in neatly with the six drivers)...

Timo Glock was leading the title fight after Monaco, however the DNF in Canada and Withdrawal from Europe have handed the reins back to the Caterham duo of Heikki & Vitaly (I don't know about you, but I could imagine an entire range of hair care products under that banner...). Charles Pic doing a nice job... with the old timers in HRT duking it out at the back...

Will update after each race...

Note to Moderator(s) - being a little technology challenged, would you be so kind to paste the table contained within the file into the body of the post...



Petrov has pleasantly surprised me this year, though Heikki has had issues and problems, partly a result of getting involvedwith faster cars ahead. Timo Glock is becoming a bit of a tragic figure, the Roberto Moreno of the 21st century?
Updated for Great Britain...

With poor old Vitaly losing the engine before they he could even roll off on the formation lap (on the US race coverage we had the intrepid Will Buxton grid interviewing Performance Director John Iley and when asked about the problem with Vitaly's car you can hear Heikki's adjacent Renault warming up to wit the reply was "do you hear that?.... we don't have one of those"), it cleared the way for the sole remaining Caterham to put the recent updates to work...

Marussia also came with some updates generated from some windtunnel work, and their #1 driver, Timo, who had missed the previous race with an illness.

Qualifiying order was Vitaly, Heikki, Timo, Pedro, Narain and Charles, a nice job by both HRT's to be in front of Pic...

The race order sorted itself out after Heikki made a 2010/2011/early 2012 Webber-like start and lost out to both HRT's and Glock, which he rectified in three laps to assume to the lead of the group...and finished only a dozen seconds or so down on Maldonado...Glock followed +25 seconds later with Pic +21 seconds further back (half of which was a result of being behind the HRT's in his first stint)...Pedro and Narain brought up the rear a lap further back.

Championship battle sees Heikki taking over after Petrov's DNS... Glock making some ground on Petrov, the rest remain as is...

Apologies... have been slower than Nicola Larini in a Ferrari...

Updated standings attached... Vitaly and Heikki traded victories at Hockenheim and Hungaroring respectively that sees Heikki with a small five point gap heading into the Ardennes in a few weeks... the most impressive performances have come from young Charles Pic... who has eaten Glocks lunch the last two weekends and is starting to garner some attention up and down the pitlane... in the race not to be last...Pedro continues to outpace Narain in qually, but in race trim they are relatively even matched.

Back to young Pic...hopefully he will see his form outlast the summer break and bring his A-game to Belgium and continue his challenge to Glock... there has been a little talk about Sauber worried about Koba's ceiling... and Peter's penchant to taking on young talent... be interesting to see what might happen leading into the silly season... as usual there will be a lot of drivers… not just our NTWC boys trying all they can to secure a (better) seat next season…

Brief updates from the last two rounds:


Qually was to script... Heikki, Vitaly, Pic, Glock, Pedro, Narain... with the HRT inching closer to the Marussia...

First lap, Vitaly took the lead from Heikki, held it until the first round of pit stops where Heikki took it back... Vitaly later assumed the lead when Heikki started to develop understeer that chewed up him tyres... the team even made a nose change to try to help...Pic ran ahead of Glock in 3rd ... Glock himself was easily clear in 4th until a diff. problem late in the race allowed Pedro to sneak what must have been a mightily satisfying move on him to take the 4th place away...Narain was not far behind Glock at the finish and might have pulled off (his) pass of the year to take 5th if there were a few more laps to run…


Qually ended up the same as Germany... Heikki, Vitaly, Pic, Glock, Pedro, Narain... Narain getting closer to Pedro…Petrov making a mistake that ruined any chance of a pole...

Heikki with a smart error free drive took the chocolates this weekend… even managed to run a competitive STR pace early on before falling back in later stints… Vitaly was in the ball park pace wise with Heikki but was apparently suffering from some balance issues that hampered any effort at challenging for the lead… Mr 3rd Place, Charles Pic handled Glock comfortably, with Timo making a meal of it on lap 3 spinning off the track and doing the hard yards to re-pass the HRT’s… Pedro couldn’t get near the Marussia’s but had a nice race to take 5th. Poor old Narain was trundling nicely along before his steering problem turned terminal forcing his retirement…


  • NTWC 2012 - Round 11.webp
    NTWC 2012 - Round 11.webp
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It's quite surprising how close Kovalainen and Petrov have been in the races. I'm not sure whether Heikki has had more problems, or maybe eats up tyres in qualifying trying to sneak in to Q2, but you wouldn't expect them to be so close based on their reputations.

ZakspeedYakspeed I don't think the Monza totals are correct, it looks like they're copied from Spa. They should be 15, 7 and 3 instead of 12, 10 and 2 I believe.
sushifiesta... correct... that'll teach me for trying do anything with numbers before 6am...

updated version attached


  • NTWC 2012 - Round 13.webp
    NTWC 2012 - Round 13.webp
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A big shout out to Timo Glock... who broke the 12 race winning stranglehold by Caterham... Timo... driving like a man who needs a race seat in 2013... well done son...

Heikki banks a second in Singapore, after being outpointed by Petrov in qually who was the victim of the inevitable 1st lap argy bargy losing a wing and having to pit... and then a wheel nut in a pitstop pallava dropping him back two laps... Mr Charles Pic III banks another 4pts... but is now facing a motivated "I really like F1" Glock doing all he can to remain in Bernie's Travelling Circus...

Narain again out qualifies Pedro and was keeping him team mate in sight despite gearbox issues until he binned it just under the overpass forcing a safety car... Pedro did what he could taking advantage of being sucked up to the field during the safety car periods...

Heikki extends his slim lead over Vitaly in the NTWC WDC... Glock distances himself from Pic in 3rd... Narain would need Judge Dredd to elimate Pedro for him to have any chance of to overhauling him...


  • NTWC 2012 - Round 14.webp
    NTWC 2012 - Round 14.webp
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With the Marussia suddenly on the pace of the Caterham do we think Glock has an outside chance of the NTWC title? 22 points is a lot I know but we have seen him consistantly finish this year whilst the Caterhams have a tendency to get themselves into trouble
Let's see what happens at Suzuka... Singapore being a more of a stop start mickey mouse track... I certainly think Glock is motivated... to continue his career...
I really thought the Caterham's were going to leave Marussia and HRT in the dust this year. They are the stronger team overall but Marussia are keeping pace it would seem. Next year will be interesting when both have KERS power. I do really want one of them to grab a real point this season, but I just can't see it happening unless there is a big crash and/or some major mechanical issues come up for the rest of the field.
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