Tomorrow I shall pinch my Grandchilds balloon and sail up to 40.000 feet (or whatever). I will then fall...................If I die.....then ...big shit.

You never know siffert_fan some of us may be pleased he did it if these space planes ever get going there may come a time when the passengers need to bail out....
There has to be a way around that, and really there is no way to figure it out unless stunts like this are tried. Yes, Yeager's flight had a much greater scientific significance than this, but you can not just call it some clown's publicity stunt. Yes, it was a Red Bull publicity stunt but also a scientific experiment if you would.Sorry, but the slipstream at the speed projected for those craft would tear the passangers apart as they left the plane.
I see no comparison, frankly. when Chuck broke the sound barrier, as far as anyone knew the wings would fall off the plane, or he would lose control due to compressibility effects.
Don't know whether it is foolish or brave, but I can see no reason why anyone would bother making such an attempt except to satisfy their ego.