If F1 teams were football teams?


Not my cup of cake
Valued Member
A comparison between F1 teams and Premier League teams:

McLaren and Liverpool: Still trading on a glorious history but very unlikely to ever achieve the same levels again. Fans believe they in some way deserve to be dominating and winning.

Williams and Arsenal: The bloke at the top really doesn't realise how out of touch he is with the modern sport and can't accept that fundamental change is needed in management style and systems. Well managed financially but then money isn't really that much in sport is it? Occasional moments in the sun but these are getting fewer and fewer.

Red Bull and Chelsea: They came in with a huge pile of cash, shook up the establishment, won everything there was to win but now are struggling just a little bit as newcomers take their place. Still there or there abouts but probably on the decline.

Mercedes and Manchester City: Many decades ago they were a top team. They virtually disappeared but then some men with very deep pockets came in, bought up all the best players and managers and wiped the floor with the opposition. This is likely to continue for some time until those picking up the costs get fed up and clear off.

Anyone have any others?
Force India and Burnley. Not as popular as they should be but more than capable of upsetting the big boys on their day. Staffed by people that no one has really heard of but get on with things efficiently and effectively. Seem to be able to compete on a much smaller budget than those above them.
Ferrari and Manchester Utd. Followed by a hoard of people when they are doing well and a rabid core of fans all the time. Have huge periods of total dominance followed by long fallow periods. Every one who isn't a plastic fan laughs at them when they fail. They would deeply love to break away and form their own league but haven't quite got the balls to do it.
Sauber and Cardiff. Badly run by foreign owners who just don't get it. Would sell their own grandmothers for success and would dress in anything in any colour to achieve it. For a brief period they achieved a modicum of success but it couldn't last and now they scrape along, in debt. A recent tie up with a name that's been around for years has brought a new expectation of success.
Sauber and Cardiff. Badly run by foreign owners who just don't get it. Would sell their own grandmothers for success and would dress in anything in any colour to achieve it. For a brief period they achieved a modicum of success but it couldn't last and now they scrape along, in debt. A recent tie up with a name that's been around for years has brought a new expectation of success.

Good point but they could be Sheff Wed Sunderland Blackburn
Good point but they could be Sheff Wed Sunderland Blackburn

Possibley but none of those teams have ever changed their team strip at the whim of an owners lucky colour choice. Plus, Blackburn have been far more successful than Cardiff.
Possibley but none of those teams have ever changed their team strip at the whim of an owners lucky colour choice. Plus, Blackburn have been far more successful than Cardiff.

good point, but Blackburn were successful for 1 season like BMW sauber, blackburn under venkys & chronic underinvestment have plummeted down to league 1
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McLaren - Newcastle, were very good 10 -20 years, both have massive expectations & potential that have yet to be achieved

Renault - Sheff utd, been in the wilderness for a few years despite the odd success, because of lack of leadership, constantly changing management, but with proper investment are back on the way
Ferrari = Juventus. In effect a department of FIAT, perennial champions of Italy. Won plenty at a time that they effectively changed the rules to suit them and consistently the subject of whispers in terms of refereeing decisions.

Alfa Romeo = Preston North End. Unbeatable in season 1, winners in season 2 but basically not been in the top leagues since.

Lotus = Rangers. Champions over and over again with a Scottish angle but it all ended up in bankruptcy, relegation and a naming-rights fight that dignified no-one.

Stewart = Austria Salzburg. Ploughed as a middling club until they hit any success at which point the name went to the highest bidder. Returned to the midfield before being swallowed by Red Bull.

Brabham = Leeds United. A couple of periods of broad success but eventually the whole thing collapsed when the megalomaniacs who’d now brought them would rather fall apart than let someone else succeed.

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