Champion Elect
How the hell would they know? Since they never drive the bloody things at the limit!
Autosport reports that F1 chiefs are investigating how to make F1 cars more challenging to drive. They cite that we "the fans" are being turned off F1 because the cars appear to be too easy to drive at the limit.
They say "It is understood that the main areas that will be investigated are tyre grip, car dimension, and aerodynamic performance."
I believe all they have to do is is give them enough fuel to drive the race flat out and hard tyres, problem solved.
Autosport reports that F1 chiefs are investigating how to make F1 cars more challenging to drive. They cite that we "the fans" are being turned off F1 because the cars appear to be too easy to drive at the limit.
They say "It is understood that the main areas that will be investigated are tyre grip, car dimension, and aerodynamic performance."
I believe all they have to do is is give them enough fuel to drive the race flat out and hard tyres, problem solved.