Charlie Pic to replace D'Ambrosio at Marussia in 2012?


Champion Elect
Looks like Charles Pic wil be named as the second driver at Marussia for 2012 and replace D'Ambrosio to race alongside Timo Glock.

My question is does D'Ambrosio deserve to lose his seat? After all on a good few occasions he's out qualified and outraced Glock this season.

Also what will Pic do different that D'Ambrosio and Di Grassi haven't done so in the past two season?

Link to this story:
I reckon if Pic does get the seat he'll have a quietly strong season, sometimes beating Glock but then being replaced at the end of the year by another young promising driver. Seems to be a cycle developing here.
I put this up on the Virgin thread and have to say I felt a bit sorry for D'ambrosio when I heard it because I don't think he's had a bad season.

However I am excited about Monsier Pic as from the GP2 I've seen him in he looks quite a prospect. Far more than Di Grassi and D'ambrosio.

As I said over on the Virgin thread I reckon that when he's settled in he should get the best over Glock - or at least push Timo to actually get the best out of himself as he's been awful these last 2 years.

I think Pic's job is just to beat his team mate and try and get himself noticed. 'Marussia' now being Mclaren's junior team he must fancy grabbing the attention of Martin Whitmarsh as a possible future Mclaren driver. Especially as he's only 21.
A sorry Rasputinlives hadn't seen that.

But however i do agree with what your saying about Pic, having watched a few GP2 races last season myself he did look a good talent. I for one hope he beats Glock as then it'll make the Marussia team stop chopping and charging their driver ever season.
No worries matey

Will def be interesting to see if Glock picks his game up because for me he's not been there most of the season
I hoped D'Ambrosio would keep his seat, he's had a reasonably strong season, but I wasn't really expecting it after reading an interview in a Dutch newspaper where he said "Belgian companies don't see the marketing potential (in F1)" and apparently he had some difficulties with sponsors. A bit of a shame to be honest, he was the closest thing to a national driver we had :P

I haven't really seen this Pic guy but you guys say he's impressive so it should be good...
Don't worry josh - Van Der Garde is still bigging up his chances of landing a seat next season - no idea where though - so you might have a home entrant yet

I feel sorry for D'Ambrosio as he's not done a bad job and in another era would probably make a respectable midfield runner but there is just so much competition for seats right now that he's just been shuffled out bless him

As for Pic - 3 wins in GP2 - 4 wins in Renault 3.5 series and still only just 21. I think this makes him a bigger prospect than the last 2 Virgin drivers. He came 4th in this years GP2 but was only 2 points away from taking the second spot.
As for Pic - 3 wins in GP2 - 4 wins in Renault 3.5 series and still only just 21. I think this makes him a bigger prospect than the last 2 Virgin drivers. He came 4th in this years GP2 but was only 2 points away from taking the second spot.

Apart from Grosjean dominating this years GP2 championship. I think it's possibly been the best ever finish to the runners-up spot in GP2 we've seen.
It's just a shame that a driver like Trulli gets a contract after performing like he did. While another driver gets the boot after driving a reasonable good season.
Yeah right Kovalainen outscored Trulli devastatingly by finishing 13th once more than Kovalainen creating a margin of...0 points;) Would not read too much in these stats, because it's more or less down to the amount of retirements at the front of the field
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