Alex Zanardi - Olympic Athlete?


Not my cup of cake
Valued Member
Thought this article from the BBC website might be of interest. I think we were all amazed at Zanardi's recovery from injuries which, by all common consent, should have killed him. Having gone back to being a racing driver Alex Zanardi, at 42 years of age, is hoping to compete at the para-olympics in London in 2012.

I can only wish him well and admit to being a little bit embarrased when I compare what he has been through, has achieved and still hopes to achieve compared to my comfortable life style that I moan endlessly about :embarrassed:
Motorsport did a feature on Alex taking part in his first wheelchair marathon in New York. I think he finished well up the order. His determination should be an inspiration to all.

If he says he'll be in London in 2012 then that's where he'll be. Good Luck to him.
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