2016 Rio Olympics


Hard to believe its been 4 years since the spectacle that was the London games. And it's even harder to believe the Sporting World will be focused on Rio de Janeiro for the next 3 weeks. Many questions are still to be answered about the City's ability to accommodate such an event, and questions will undoubtedly persist into the future about the decision to award them the "honor" in the first place.

But that's not the point of this thread. I've always loved the Olympics and I'll be tuning in as much as possible. Though the games officially kick-off Friday the competition has already begun with Women's Soccer today. (Spoiler Alert - Sweden beat South Africa 1-nil!!) So I hope to be updating this thread frequently with some of the major goings-on from Brazil.

Any thoughts on the upcoming events? I know you Brits will be looking for some Gold out of Froome, Murray, and Rose.
It's all going to be on in the middle of the night in the UK. The opening ceremony starts at midnight over here.

I assume we will get a best bits program in the evenings.
The time difference is about three hours or four hours I think so there will be plenty of action in the late afternoon and into the evening here but most of the big medal races, the 100m etc will be on between midnight and 1am.

While it's true we have a number of medal hopefuls we'll suffer the same hangover that all countries suffer in the wake of hosting the Olympics.

A number of our track and field athletes haven't been on top form recently. A few have taken a break from competition for family time.

The one thing I'd love to see is Jo Pavey, our current European Champion, win a medal in the 10'000m. At her 4th games and over 40 years old it would be great to watch.

As always, I really enjoy watching the less well covered sports as this is generally the only time we get to see them on TV. I love watching the sailing and archery for example.
OH when is the dressage on? Can't miss that. Nothing I love more than an inbred toff on a dancing horse. Such excitement, such athleticism.

I'm sorry I'm not really into all that olympic mallarkey. I just butted in because I've had a few and I misguidedly thought "A-ha! Here's my opportunity to be a smart-arse!"

Why do I get the nagging feeling I have somehow failed in this endeavour?... :s
Charlotte went to one of my local schools, not a great deal toffy about them!!

Not to say I don't agree about the dressage (mustn't let the wife hear me say that!)
Trust me, you are not too far wide of the mark!!

Anyhoo, those Olympics. Personally I am looking forward to the cycling.

I hope Mark Cavendish can win in the Omnium, I am not so sure that he has the ultimate form, but I have learned over the years to never underestimate Cav, and the Olympics is one thing missing from his Palmares, and he desperately wants to win. It will be real shame if he doesn't, as he gave up the chance of a fifth win on the Champs Elysee to ensure he was as strong as he could be.

Laura Trott will hopefully excel again, and I am expecting big things from both the Men and the Women in the team pursuit. Not so confident in our track sprinters though.

As for the road, Chris Froome is looking strong, and should do well in the time trial, hopefully Tom Dumoulin's wrist heals enough for him to be competitive though, and if it does, he will be the favourite, although I have not seen the course. The road race is a rather different proposition, and with teams of 5 it makes it difficult for any one nation to control the outcome. I would expect that Steve Cummins could add what was missing from the last Olympics in the form of a bit of guile and cunning. G had a good showing in Ride London, and without an organised peloton to bring him back things could have been different. Providing GB do not make the same mistakes of 2012, and treat it as a unique event, they should be quite strong.

And not one inbred toff amongst them!!
No mention of Armitstead The Pits, do you know something we don't?

I figured I would keep quiet on that one, just like the press ;-)

Simply an oversight dear boy, but to be honest, I expect Lizzie to compete strongly in any event that she participates in, and it would be a brave man to bet against her.
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