Movies Star Wars gets new films.

Looks as bad as the second trilogy.

The one saving grace I suppose is there's no way they can get an actor worse than the one who played Vader.

Can they?
I saw a program on telly the other day I think it was called my life in science fiction, did you know there are people who get married to start wars themes and walk around the place dressed as storm troopers and such at weekends

These people are fucking nuts man they need locking up....
Ooooh Oooh I can't wait. I hope it has a really contrived plot that you can hardly follow, tons of cgi, lot's of people saying "I've got a bad feeling about this", racial sterotypes, shit dialogue and the only action in the entire film lasting about as long as the trailer.

I hope they burn through a door with a light saber again, I mean where does that thing get its power from? I want some of those batteries for my tv remote, they would never run out and I would never have to throw one at the telly again hoping I would hit the change channel button..
I believe you are both getting your Vaders crossed. The former body building and Green Cross Legend David Prowse only played Vaders body in the original three films. Voiced of course by James Earl Jones on account of the fact that the dark lord of Sith talking with a voice that went "Ere, Luke me babber, I reckon I is yer father oo argh"

The second batch of films featured the acting power of Hayden Christensen who was so awesome in those films he has gone on to act in the square root of sod all since.
I saw a program on telly the other day I think it was called my life in science fiction, did you know there are people who get married to start wars themes and walk around the place dressed as storm troopers and such at weekends

These people are ****ing nuts man they need locking up....

Hey! I resemble that remark! (Minus the wedding stuff, just a regular wedding for us.) I'm a member of the Mandalorian Mercs Costume Club. I don't believe I'm someone out of Star Wars or anything like that, but it's fun to make the costumes and dress up in them for conventions. I get to meet a lot of interesting people that way, and quite a few of the recent Star Wars celebs love meeting folks in Star Wars costumes - it's rare I have to ask to get a photo with them, it's usually the other way around. Often I get free autographs too, even when they're normally charging for them. Kind of a neat perk, if you ask me :)
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