Current Red Bull Racing

Red Bull Racing

FIA Entry: Red Bull Racing Renault
Car 1: Sebastien Vettel
Car 2: Mark Webber
Engine: Renault V8
Team Owner: Dietrich Mateschitz
Team Principal: Christian Horner
Chief Technical: Office Adrian Newey
Chief Designer: Rob Marshall
Race Engineer Car 1: Guillaume “Rocky” Rocquelin
Race Engineer Car 2: Ciaron Pilbeam

Stats as of end 2010

First Entered 2005
Races Entered 107
Race Wins 15
Pole Positions 20
Fastest Laps 12
Driver World Championships 1
Constructor World Championships 1

Team History

Before Red Bull

In 1997 Paul Stewart, aided by his father Jackie and the Ford Motor Company, made the leap from F3000 to F1 as an entrant. Jonny Herbert won 1 race for the Stewart team before it was sold off to Ford who re-branded the cars as Jaguar.

Ford stuck with it through thick and thin (mainly thin) through to the end of 2004 before selling the team to Dietrich Mateschitz, who owns the Red Bull drinks brand, for $1 on the understanding he invested $400 million over 3 years

Red Bull Racing

With Christian Horner installed as team principal, McLaren refugee David Coulthard and Christian Klien as the drivers Red Bull went racing. Their first season was certainly more successful than Jaguar had managed, even with the same Cosworth power plant, with Coulthard managing a 4th place at the European Grand Prix and the team finishing 7th in the Constructors Championship.

Adrian Newey joined from McLaren as chief designer for 2006 and Red Bull swapped to Ferrari engines. Coulthard managed a podium at his "home" race in Monaco prompting Christian Horner to jump naked, other than wearing a red cape, into a swimming pool.

Christian Klien, who shared the car with Vitantonio Liuzzi in 2005 and Robert Doornbos in 2006, departed the team for 2007 and was replaced by Mark Webber. The RB3 was the first full "Newey" car and was coupled with a Renault motor. The car was very unreliable, suffering from a variety of different problems but Webber managed a podium at the European Grand Prix and the team finished 5th in the WCC.

Retaining the same engine and drivers for 2008 Red Bull slipped back to 7th in the WCC and again only managed a single podium, for Coulthard in Canada, but the reliability issues which plagued the car the previous season were mainly resolved.

2009 was Red Bull's break through year. With Coulthard having retired Webber was joined by Red Bull junior driver Sebastien Vettel. The new rules allowed Newey to design a car which challenged for both the Drivers and Constructors Championship. Webber won 2 races, Vettel 4 and the team climbed to 2nd in WCC taking 3 pole positions en-route.

In 2010 Red Bull justified Mateschitz's investment winning the Constructors title and Vettel the Drivers Championship. They won 9 races through the season, 5 for Vettel and 4 for Webber and took 10 poles. Webber led the title race for much of the season but it was the 23 year old Vettel who stole the title in the last race of the season and became the youngest Champion as a result.

2011 sees the team retain the same driver line up as 2010 and continue with Renault engine power in the new RB7 car.

*1999 Salo scores added to Schumacher second driver total, similarly Coulthard and Mansell scores added for Williams 1994 (Senna DNS)
How does this "points scored compared to a team mate" figure into the WCC?

Webber scores more points than all the other teams' #2 drivers. That's where the money is.

It takes into account the car factor where as your way doesn't. I'm pretty certain you'd put any number 2 driver in the red bull they'd be the best number 2. You look at the percentage of points compared to his team mate you get a snap shot of how well he performed relative to car performance.
Blog Zbod

True but it appears Dietrich does not like to interfere with the politics and obviously likes Mark on a personal level to negotiate with him

Its definitely holding the most coveted seat up as apparently the 3 contenders are



As far as it goes neither Horner nor Marko can sack Webber only Dietrich can by refusing to give him one

Webber likes to play the games and Marko can;t do a thing about it in all honesty
Yes I'm sure it was a deliberate plan to not put the wheel on properly and telepathicly tell Mark to pull our the pit without being signaled too so his wheel flew off and bounced down the pit lane.

Vettel on the otherhand never has any bad luck with things like say gearbox issues that force him to stop well in the lead of races?
Mechanical issues are one thing.

However when team errors keep affecting one car then it becomes something else. Especially when said car was about to take the lead of the Grand Prix against the favoured driver.

When was the last time Vettel had a team issue? Silverstone 2011 (lost a few seconds in pits) if I recall correctly. Now just think of Webber's collection in that period of time.
Following on from the German GPO thread, the teams do all that is humanly possible to ensure that luck is excluded from what happens in the races. However, there are times when luck intervenes.

Red Bull have had a number of KERS failures, the majority of which have happened to Mark Webber. These are not due to the fact that Webber was driving around not in first place although it may be that he was not in first place due to a KERS failure. Last season They also had some alternator failures, this time it was Vettel's bad luck, since they could happen when he was in the lead it could not be because he was in the pack.

A bolt flew off Barrichello's car and hit Massa, did anyone say that Massa was hit because he was behind Barrichello? No, they said that he was unlucky, that bolt could just as easily have come off at a slightly different place where Massa was not in it's flight path.

I'm with you Jen, bad luck happens. You can build against it but from time to time it will happen and as long as it is random it can happen to the same driver more often than his team mate.
...Red Bull have had a number of KERS failures, the majority of which have happened to Mark Webber. These are not due to the fact that Webber was driving around not in first place although it may be that he was not in first place due to a KERS failure....
Vettel's KERS went wonky about Lap 34 at the 'Ring (and Vettel slowed by a couple of tenths) but they managed to mend/bypass the problem in three or four laps.

32 -- 1:35.854
33 -- 1:35.770
34 -- 1:36.225
35 -- 1:36.603
36 -- 1:36.002
37 -- 1:36.031
38 -- 1:35.867
39 -- 1:36.074
40 -- 1:36.078
41 -(P)- 1:37.947

At the same time, Grosjean managed to draw to within the magic one second of Vettel, then slowed to match Vettel's pace. Lotus apparently didn't smell the blood in the water and Romain failed to press the advantage.

So Red Bull were lucky on two fronts.
Think that says to me that Ricciardo is definitely the front runner rather than Raikkonen for replacing Mark Webber.

What has Vergne done wrong? They are both evenly matched, and one has had half a season extra than the other.
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