Future F1 Grands Prix

RasputinLives ….. Thanks RasputinLives, Your right I didn't read the Autosport article but the reason I posted was Indycar don't appear to consider Long Beach dead and buried yet even though their contract is about to end. Maybe there's still a slight chance of renewal. My posting may be hanging on by a thread also.:snigger:
I'm semi certain it will end up being still an indie car race as I doubt Long Beach will take the gamble of switching to F1, however stranger things have happened. I only pointed to reading the article because it was clear both weren't going to happen.

I think this is clearly a case of F1 wanting to attach itself to a big name in the US in order to promote itself the same way it thought racing at Indy would get it attention. I'm sure if Bernie could rewrite the rules and make tje Indy 500 an F1 race he would! He can't so a cheeky bid for Nascar is what he goes for. Whats next? Daytona?

I think after Formula E scored a race round LA/Hollywood so easily Bernie is desperate to muscle in as the Texas race is too obscure and the NJ race isn't getting off the ground.
I had to think long and hard about posting it since my new years resolution but just had to in the end and for the reason of my resolution i cant kick up a fuss over either RasputinLives apostrophes nor neither like.
Before you feel superior you do realise I mooed on purpose though right?

Everyone enjoys a good Moo.

Anyways. Grand Prixs. Why haven't Qatar got on the radar yet?
For some reason they persist with this ridiculous 55 x 5.5km standard. Do they not realise that more laps of shorter circuits would mean
1) shorter waits for paying spectators to see the cars each lap
2) paying spectators see the cars more times
3) more exposure of cars to the (typically few) overtaking points on the circuit
4) quicker to do that crazy unlapping thing when the safety car comes out
5) more lapping, so more opportunity for backmarkers to have an interesting influence on race situation
6) (slightly) lower circuit construction and maintenance costs
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