Sony or HP?

Speaking of laptops, my Asus died, I bought it a year ago and it's warranty expired 2 weeks before it messed up. Turns out the motherboard needed replacing, costing £300 to repair, now I couldn't find a laptop near the similar price or with the same specs as my old laptop, they were all £150+ more despite me buying this one with the same specs a year ago.

So instead of buying a brand new one, I went and bought a refurbished one from Argos on eBay for £300, a HP with similar specs as the Asus, and I got it £150 or so less than another one that's similar, I've got one year warranty with it, and I have to say, even though it's 'refurbished' it feels brand new, no scratches at all on it, no problems with it (so far and let's hope it stay that way), if I'm honest with you, I would say it's just a new laptop.

Anyway, I don't know what the point of that story was, well I think it was, get a refurbished one from Argos on eBay, it will be much cheaper, I am very surprised by this current laptop, Of course I miss the old one, got it for a very good price and was set to last me for a few years.

Furthermore, Sony is very overpriced and not that great performance wise.

The laptops to go for are, Lenovo, Asus or Acer, they're all value for money, and don't jump at the first few you see, you may think they are good, but the more you look the better one you'll find.
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I checked out the shops on Saturday and I've decided to think about my options.

Thanks Sly. I'll bear in mind the laptops you've mentioned...
Just seen this. I bought an i5 HP around 2 months ago to replace an i5 Sony Vaio I had for around 2 years. The HP is absolute shite, I'm never buying one again after this, basically it's just really slow and although it's not the HP's fault, I hate Windows 8.
I have had a sony and a HP, although the Sony was a little older. Personally, the HP wins hands down every time form me. The Sony lost keys fairly easily, whereas the HP has stood up to the daily battering really well, and feels a lot more robust. Even after a year or so, the keys and mouse buttons feel solid. The hardware is really good too, ours has an AMD A10, running windows 8 and is really quick
Great get the tablet you've paid hundreds of quids for scratched the fuck out of by a bloody cat why not just spray catnip on your private parts and have done with it....
I finally made a decision, just in time for the Boxing Day sales. ;)

I bought a Lenovo G505s. It has an AMD A10, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD + 8GB SSHD and running Windows 8.

So far, so good. It's so much quicker than my old dinosaur PC! :D

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