Site Suggestions & Updates

Just a little one, is there any way for me to hide the media bar at the top of the page? It seems to take a while to load on the mobile and laptop?
I'll see what I can do about that.

I will however just say that the next version of the gallery will feature caching and a new way of displaying video thumbnails, so it should no longer be an issue.
Would another forum within the paddock but useful but for the entertainment side of things? There's a lot of gaming threads right now and with the huge amount of exciting things coming out in the next few months this may increase.

I understand that games alone won't warrant a new forum but all the film/TV and music threads can be moved there too leaving the gravel trap for all the funnies, birthdays, randoms and badger chats!
Happy to add other forums when the need arises.
A "media/entertainment/hobby" type forum might be a good idea for all the music, tv, gaming, photography and other related threads.

Anyone have any suggestions for the name?
I'll throw in the Entertainment Hub, or a variation on that.

Trying to think of something which encompasses TV, gaming, music, etc.
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