New York GP details revealed


Staff Member
The future plans for the oft-proposed New York Grand Prix have been leaked online.

The venue is to be in and around Liberty State Park in New night!

Interestingly, it states FOM is responsible for (amongst other things):

  • Planning, developing, logistics, marketing, and all necessary preparations to effectively carry out
    the event.
  • Structures for media center, paddock and VIP areas, temporary meeting rooms, security control
    tower, pit areas, team facilities, clubs, visitor welcome center, hospitality tent, and all other
    necessary structures.
  • Obtaining all the necessary permits and licenses required to hold the event.

So basically if Bernie wants his NY race he has to do everything.

Circuit map:

Link on Joe Saward's blog:

See the attached file for more details.


  • Proposal_for_Jersey_City_Grand_Prix_Auto_Race.pdf
    240.1 KB · Views: 93
  • ny_gp_map.webp
    56.9 KB · Views: 131
Better than the streets of Manhattan I suppose but do we really need another night race? If they hold it at 7pm EST this would be midnight/1 a.m. GMT/CET - die hard fans will, I'm sure, stay up to watch it but those that couldn't be arsed to get up at 3 a.m. to watch the race in Australia aren't going to sit up until 3 a.m. to watch a race in the US, are they?
Yeah a night race would be a stupid idea. Wouldn't get dark until after 8 in the summer and the autumn in NYC is colder than bloody hell. Would be nice to see a prime time UK race (I guess a 2pm race in NYC would be 7 here) but that track looks bloody awful, just completely featureless. Seeing Manhattan in the background would be interesting but it would be little more than a screensaver; Watkins Glen is an hour away from JFK, why not try to get a race there instead.

Indy was perhaps a bit Magny Cours in its location for the EU fans but that doesn't mean NYC is the answer; hell if they want a street race then I personally would prefer the streets of Miami or Chicago.

We always say that featureless tracks are bad, how about F1 goes Bullet and we race the streets of San Francisco LOL
BlackCountryBob said:
We always say that featureless tracks are bad, how about F1 goes Bullet and we race the streets of San Francisco LOL
Well at least no-one could complain about lack of elevation changes :D
If FOM would be responsible for doing all of the items mentioned, would Bernie also be required to pay the hosting fee to himself? LOL
That's a bit inconveniant isn't it.

Shouldn't they have been tugging forlocks, doffing caps and saying "Thank you Mr Ecclestone for this wonderful opportunity that you have given us".

Oh no, perhaps that only happens in the Middle East. LOL

No wonder Bernie dosn't like America.
Reactions are different in different nations:

OIL RICH ARAB STATE: ??? ? ?? ???? ? ??? ???? ?????. ???? ??????? ????? ???? ????? ???? ??????? ?? ???? ??? ??? ??????
FRANCE: Nous aimons la Formule Un, et nous avons un circuit! Vous n'aimez pas notre circuit? Vis-vous!
SPAIN: Bueno, nuestros circuitos no son grandes, pero nos traen algunas Fernando!
BRAZIL: Nosso circuito poderia fazer com algum trabalho, mas como você vai tirar dinheiro de América Latina sem o Grande Prêmio do Brasil de novo?
BELGIUM: Vous êtes assez bruyant ne sont pas vous?
ITALY: Ferrari! Ferrari! Ferrari!
JAPAN: ???????????????????????????????????????????????
GREAT BRITAIN: The British GP is important, and we feel Mr. Ecclestone knows this.

OIL RICH ARAB STATE: Yes, sir, we will pay the money. You have a fantastic sport and we want all sports to come here to ORAS
FRANCE: We like Formula One, and we have a circuit! You don't like our circuit? Screw you!
SPAIN: Well, our circuits aren't great, but bring us some Fernando!
BRAZIL: Our circuit could do with some work, but how are you going to get money out of Latin America without the Brazilian Grand Prix again?
BELGIUM: You're quite noisy aren't you?
ITALY: Ferrari! Ferrari! Ferrari!
UNITED STATES: Our tastes are off, but we're not irredemable!
JAPAN: Lets see if Honda or Toyota want to put on a race and we'll get back to you!
GREAT BRITAIN: He ain't leaving, he wouldn't dare!
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