Haunted Threads!


Champion Elect
Now, I don't mean to alarm anyone...

A little while ago, I can't remember the exact date, Bro restricted access to certain parts of the 'Paddock' area of C_t_A to members only. This meant that guests couldn't view areas such as the 'Gravel Trap' and 'Science, Technology and Space' forums. Only members could.

Ok, that's fine, I hear you say. And so did I...

... but, on a few occasions, I've seen ghosts. In the Gravel Trap forum AND the Science and technology forum! I've seen a 'guest' viewing those forums! :o

I even logged off and tried to view the restricted forums myself as a guest, to no avail...


Sometimes, this guest is not there, but it often is.

Look at this screen print of this form index tonight.

Oh my god! The dude on the film "I Robot" was right! Sometimes there are ghosts in the machine!

Sleep soundly tonight, children... :blink:


  • ghosts.webp
    84.4 KB · Views: 176

That's just someone trying to access the forum and then receiving the "not allowed" message.

Trust me, the security's tighter than the proverbial duck's behind ;)
Brogan said:
That's just someone trying to access the forum and then receiving the "not allowed" message.

Trust me, the security's tighter than the proverbial duck's behind ;)

Phew! I knew there would be rational explanation for it... :)

... but are you sure there's not a stream running under the forum, which causes the occasional drop in temperature in that old cellar? You know, where the open well is, which causes strange draughts and such..?

Or have I been reading too many James Herbert horror books..! LOL
Funny you should say that.

I changed the order of the letters in your username just now and a strange mechanical box started rearranging itself.
I quickly put your name back to normal before anything bad happened :o

This just gets spookier and spookier!

You'll be telling me that my username is actually made up of alphanumerical characters from an old Indian burial ground headstone next..! LOL

.. :blink: .. joking, right?! Hehe.. :unsure:
McZiderRed said:

This just gets spookier and spookier!

You'll be telling me that my username is actually made up of alphanumerical characters from an old Indian burial ground headstone next..! LOL

.. :blink: .. joking, right?! Hehe.. :unsure:
Funny you should mention that...
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