Button moves to Guernsey


Not my cup of cake
Valued Member
Nice bit of tittle tattle, Jenson has decided to move to the beautiful island of Guernsey. Lovely place, holidayed there a couple of times and thoroughly enjoyed myself. It also has the added advantage of being a tax haven but didn't he live in Monaco anyway? Wonder what his girlfriend will make of quiet little Guernsey?

One possible draw back is that Nigel Mansell lives in Jersey but at least there is some water in the way LOL

Having spent some time working in Jersey I've heard that Nigel Mansel could give Ducks posteriors a few lessons in water tightness, and so probably wouldn't stump up the ferry fare anyway...
Guernsey must have some benefit over Monte Carlo or Switzerland for him to move there but I'm struggling to think of one...
Brogan said:
Guernsey must have some benefit over Monte Carlo or Switzerland for him to move there but I'm struggling to think of one...

Any answer I could give to that would result in me having to report my own posts to myself which would then lead to the sort of brain busting paradox which could cause the site to shut down.

Are you bored FB?

Yeah, a bit...

...it was a choice between this story or Schumie being awarded the Legion d'Honneur, and Button won.

For those that care, here's Schumie having his medal pinned on by the French Prime Minister. S'pose Prost won an OBE but at least he was racing for a British team. Not sure why Schumie got his French gong.

FB said:
Are you bored FB?

Yeah, a bit...

...it was a choice between this story or Schumie being awarded the Legion d'Honneur, and Button won.

For those that care, here's Schumie having his medal pinned on by the French Prime Minister. S'pose Prost won an OBE but at least he was racing for a British team. Not sure why Schumie got his French gong.

Services to Jean Todt maybe??
Wow! I was hoping F1 drivers would be more ... creative with their tax havens.

In all seriousness, I know that some EU governments have been trying to stop the old Tax Haven Paradise Schemes - there was an agreement met with Liechtenstein at the very least.

Wonder if the Crown Dependency of Guernsey will be less likely than Monaco etc. to be targeted by the governments?
Just for info. Jenson's move to Guernsey is going to cost him a few bob. The income tax rate in Monaco is 0% (yes, really - I think it's based on residency, you have to be in Monaco for at least 6 months of the year) where as Guernsey has a flat rate of 20%.
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