Oh dear oh dear oh dear, Just when it seemed things could not get any worse it would seem that Mrs Ecclestone has applied for a divorce from our dear beloved Bernie. Not a great issue you may think as these things happen all the time to the rich and famous but let's just put it this way, Bernies company that manages and runs his involvement in F1 is called SLEC holdings. Now here's the funny part, the name comes from Slavia Ecclestone and she owns 50 percent of the company.
What with money shortages affecting every area of motorsport at the moment this will add another spud to Bernies already overflowing plate.
I wonder what the long term affect of all this will be?
What with money shortages affecting every area of motorsport at the moment this will add another spud to Bernies already overflowing plate.
I wonder what the long term affect of all this will be?