Belgian GP 2011


Podium Finisher
The fact that I didn't go to Silverstone this year has had me searching for another race to get to this year. With a month shutdown due, I thought Spa would be the perfect way to start back the F1 season.
It's also the best and most affordable one left (I was considering India to coincide with a holiday, I'm not keen to go too far afield, and a quick weekend dash sounds perfect), with GA tickets at £149 and still available. And it looks like its a driveable distance, either taking Eurotunnel/Ferry.

I was essentially after some advice from folks who have been, or those who know, about: whether GA is worthwhile, what are good spots, is driving/ parking at the circuit feasible, what's it like getting back away? Any other advice to take on board.

I was looking at booking a hotel, even if its 10-15 miles away; there are some shocking accounts of the camping areas on, and it didn't appeal to me in the first instance.

Any advice gratefully received
I've not been to an F1 race abroad but from everything I've heard from those who have it falls into the category of the "must do before I die" list. I probably won't get to do it but if you've got the opportunity I would say take it! Don't forget to pack some heavy duty rain gear though.:)
Spa is a good one to drive to, you can stay at a nice small hotel and drive in each day, parking shouldn't be much problem as you will be getting there early anyway on GA
I'm going this year, staying at the Novotel in Aachen, I reccomend it, went in 2007, I've got a Bronze GA ticket and will probably pitch up at Pouhon all weekend, you should get one, a lot of brilliant views of sector 2. With Spa being very hilly, I would definetely get a GA ticket.
By the way, if you get a GA ticket, park down at Stavelot on the main road, it's free and just a few minutes from the circuit, thats how it was in 2007 anyway.
Thanks for all the tips MCLS.
If I can convince my bro to come along (don't think it will be too difficult), i think i'm gonna head along, if for a sleep-deprived Sat early morning-Sun late night dash.

Not sure what to do about parking; the 'official' parking (Red and Green) sold at is Euro16/ day. There were some stories on bookf1 about people having their cars towed so I'm a little cautious.

Also, what's the traffic like on the way out of the circuit? I'm looking at either Eurotunnel/ Ferry back that night, and not sure whether to 'risk' the midnight return (7-8 hours should be plenty of time, but can never tell...)
I went in 2008 for 3 days. I decided to camp up at Les Combes. However, I decided to stop my camping adventure on saturday as it was a real nightmare. Constant rain, cold toes and Germans made me decide to stay the nigth at home. Luckily I'm from Belgium myself so the drive was about 100 kilometres or so. It was doable, so finding a suitable hotel shouldn't be much of a problem.
Parking went pretty smooth, but be aware, parking up at the back of the circuit (up in the grasslands at Les Combes) resulted in a huge bottleneck after the race. It took us 3 and a half hours to drive 100 kilometres and get home.
I watched qualifying down at Pouhon and the race at the Kemmel straight. But if I were you I'd try and fix a spot at the chicane at the end of the lap, there is bound to be some action going on there!
I'm getting eurotunnel on the night back, (which will be death considering I'm in the north), once you get out of the circuit it's not too bad, at least it was at the bottom of the circuit.
I've seen cars going up Eau Rauge at speed and it is an immense experience, you can't go wrong there :thumbsup:
Thanks MCLS? I'm trying to weigh up the whole weekend experience. Pit straight vs Eu Rouge. What value would you place on the big show with grid build-up, Brundle, the garages and stops. The dummy pitstops, etc. Obviously, it's all about the racing but this is my first Grand Prix. In so torn. What are your thoughts. Either way it's a compromise.
At Eau Rouge you see more of the track, from the hairpin to Radillon and there are lots of TV screens as well up the hill. Unfortunately I can't afford it so its Pohoun for me, but I reckon overall Eau Rouge is the best place on the track to be at
Thanks MCLS? I'm trying to weigh up the whole weekend experience. Pit straight vs Eu Rouge. What value would you place on the big show with grid build-up, Brundle, the garages and stops. The dummy pitstops, etc. Obviously, it's all about the racing but this is my first Grand Prix. In so torn. What are your thoughts. Either way it's a compromise.

Thanks dude. Can't thank you enough. I can't tell you how excited I am.
Me neither :D Also with Eau Rouge grandstand tickets, you are right next to the F1 Shop. and from my experiences, Spa has one of the best ones around :)
At Eau Rouge you see more of the track, from the hairpin to Radillon and there are lots of TV screens as well up the hill. Unfortunately I can't afford it so its Pohoun for me, but I reckon overall Eau Rouge is the best place on the track to be at

One last question. Bottom or top of hill? G2 or G3/4. Have heard G2 is great as you see pit exit and most of La Source.
Gold 4 is better than Gold 3 really as its in the middle of the corner, and with gold 4 you can still see a lot of turn 1 as well :thumbsup: Also where are you booking it from because the official Spa F1 site has all the gold tickets as sold out.
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