The fate of the Universe.

I think its a nice segue for the Dan Browns of this world, but the amount of pseudo-scientific bunk that comes out of your modern day physicist just goes to show its not really about science anymore.

Its a well known fact that classical mechanics and quantum theory do not play well together, yet when scientists looks at the way the universe acts on a large scale, throwing the numbers into the equations that they hold so dear, they have the nerve to assume still that there is no such conflict in science exists.

So to patch over all the inaccuracies that arise thanks to their flawed logic, they start coming up with such silly concepts as dark energy and dark matter as for some reason retaining the old theories and worshipping them is far more important that really understanding universe properly. Does this not sound familiar? (cults *cough* church *cough*)

Its the last sentence that really sums it up for me:

"Professor Priyamvada Natarajan of Yale University, a leading cosmologist and co-author of this study, said that the findings finally proved "exactly what the fate of the Universe will be"."

Arrogant bravado much? Here's a starter for 10, the entropic nature of matter causes it to spread itself out in space as thinly as possible, if it is so that the space itself is spreading as well then the simple kinematic and electromagnetic effects of classical mechanics hold no water long before the 'fate' of this universe is decided. Such a scenario would give rise QM effects, potentially huge wave functions that for all we know could end up starting a whole new universe all over again.

The other potential scenario is that at some point in a society it's scientists heads get so large that a large bang occurs, followed by 13 billion years of stupidity :snigger:

:mad: over LOL
gribbli said:
So to patch over all the inaccuracies that arise thanks to their flawed logic, they start coming up with such silly concepts as dark energy and dark matter as for some reason retaining the old theories and worshipping them is far more important that really understanding universe properly. Does this not sound familiar? (cults *cough* church *cough*)

The thing is that Dark Energy/Dark Matter, isn't really the first instance of this. It all started when they started just chucking 'infinity' into all the equations to make them balance. The joys of modern science... All the theoretical mumbo jumbo isn't for me. I'm just going to stick to my materials engineering. Its more like baking than science :)
MajorDanby said:
The thing is that Dark Energy/Dark Matter, isn't really the first instance of this. It all started when they started just chucking 'infinity' into all the equations to make them balance. The joys of modern science... All the theoretical mumbo jumbo isn't for me. I'm just going to stick to my materials engineering. Its more like baking than science :)

Good old renormalization, keep putting in larger numbers until the result can fit on the calculator LOL

I was going to say these lot have been around even longer, like the aether theory crowd that crowned Einstein a moron because of the disregard that he showed their status quo - then it struck me, dark matter/energy really is just a modern day aether, not a new theory, just been in hiding LOL
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