Ferrari to protest Vettel for overtaking under yellow flags?

The same chap who posted the video Brogan found has an animated gif on his website that cuts out all the noise. This clearly shows a flag waving and I would bet anyone who wants anything they like that this flag is not yellow.

As a life long McLaren fan I dislike Ferrari and the support benefit they gain from the FIA. But i disagree that is a 'please not in the courtroom' issue. So long as its not a subjective issue (as some have in the past), if it can be proved that the flag was yellow and hence Vettel clearly broke the rules he should get the 20 seconds, loose the places and the title. I don't see any problem with that at all - anything else would taint the season more.

The fact that its was a Toro Rosso slowing down to let his team mate past just makes it even more ironic.
Oh that green flag, ok seen it now, the bbc graphic actually hides it from view.
Soo…. where does the flags take president over lights thing come from ? Is that just opinion or officially written down ?
If Vettel passed under the yellows and should have been given a penalty it was early in the race. He would have caught back up and got the position needed to win the championship anyway. I would have preferred Alonso to win over Vettel but not in this way - if that is what should happen.
mnmracer.... Absolutely, regardless of the team involved, though if your referring to the mass damper, it was legal until Ferrari were unable to make the same technology work and protested, a protest they won at which time Renault removed it and won the title anyway.
DRS was enabled on that straight during the time the pass took place.

I'm not even sure that this has any bearing on the situation, but the only thing that is unequivocal about this scenario is that DRS was definitely DISABLED on Lap 4 when Vettel went by Vergne in the DRS Zone. It was enabled on Lap 3 when Vettel passed Glock in the DRS Zone, but it was disabled again before he got back there.

14:05 - DRS ENABLED (About to pass Glock)
DRS enabled.webp

14:06 - DRS DISABLED (End of Lap 3)
DRS disabled.webp

Now on Lap 4 (This screen was taken at the exact moment of the "pass") - Still DISABLED

14:09 - DRS ENABLED again (Lap 5)
DRS enabled2.webp
Assuming they use the same counting method as in Zandvoort (where I marshalled), sector 4 would be just before the much-discussed marshall post. Each sector refers to a marshall post.

You can count on the map: sector 1 from start finish to the post before T1, sector 2 from before T1 to the post in the middle of T2, sector 3 from the middle of T2 to the exit of T3, sector 4 from the exit of T3 to the marshall post at the exit of the pit lane. Vettel then would have overtaken Vergne in sector 5.


Edit: Brogan's map contradicts this. That's weird.
Brogan - That's interesting then...

So at the end of lap 3 at 14:06, there was no yellow flag in Sector 4, but then there was one applied at 14:07 at the start of lap 4, which suggests that the green flag from lap 3 was irrelevant because the situation changed after.

However, if the message did not reach the marshall in time (which is a strong possibility), he could still have been waving greens...

Well, that's not cleared anything up!
Thanks Brogan, the FOM map shows clearly that the DRS Zone is "Sector 4".

@TBY. That's the crux of it, and as Bro has said several times now, Flags take precedence. This happened in India 2011 Practice. The Circuit was GREEN, there were no Yellow lights on Hamilton's steering wheel, yet because there was a Marshal waving a yellow flag several posts away from the scene, Lewis was foolishly demoted down the grid.
Whats the betting that the marshal at the pit lane entry has made a mistake. The marshal lights always align with the end of a marshalling sector and the marshals almost always accompany a light. There's only really two locations where a marshal isn't at the end of a sector or near a marshal light. On the pit lane exit where there is sometimes need for additional flags and on the inside of turn 4. Surely a marshal half way down the sector is meaningless as a sector is either under caution or not - it can't be half under (up to the marshal) and half not.

Was that marshal at the end of the pit lane meant to replicate the earlier marshal at the end of turn 3, replicate the marshal at the beginning of turn 4 or do nothing?

Presumably what ever of the above, Vettel is ok as he saw a green flag on track?
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