The Danish Space Program

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Not my cup of cake
Valued Member
As Beardie Branson shuffles hundreds of thousands of dollars out of people's bank accounts for his pointless Virgin Galactic escapade the Danes have come up with a much cheaper and simpler solution to going in to space, a snip at $70,000.


Wonder if it's powered by bacon fat? (my apologies to any Danish readers, this is a childish and purile stereotype and in no way reflects the high regard I have for the Danish Nation)

Mmmmm, bacon...
I may be a bit fuzzy on aeronautics and space travel but "it is easy getting to space" the problem therein lies with coming back......that is the expensive part of space exploration.
The Danes inhabited London and Paris and what's now part of Canada before the Brits, French, Dutch, Portugese and Spanirds got around to sailing. Sadly, global warming is reducing their country's shoreline...Denmark is getting smaller. So, I suppose they're gonna try and get some real estate in space before they completely dissappear off the map. Lots of respect for Danes. My former girlfriend is Danish. They produce very beautiful women. I'd certainly get lost in space with a handful of 'em. Hehe :heart:
The Danes inhabited London and Paris and what's now part of Canada before the Brits, French, Dutch, Portugese and Spanirds got around to sailing. Sadly, global warming is reducing their country's shoreline...Denmark is getting smaller. So, I suppose they're gonna try and get some real estate in space before they completely dissappear off the map. Lots of respect for Danes. My former girlfriend is Danish. They produce very beautiful women. I'd certainly get lost in space with a handful of 'em. Hehe :heart:

This is worthy of our favourite thread: :)
Impressive but I don't think I'd go anywhere near it.

The fact that it's standing room only would make for a very claustrophobic and uncomfortable experience.

Impressive but I don't think I'd go anywhere near it.

The fact that it's standing room only would make for a very claustrophobic and uncomfortable experience.


A tiny bit more room than the Chilean miners though.

Maybe the 'Travelodge' of space travel :disappointed:
What is it, a missile or a rocket? LOL It looks like someone turned one of the rocket boosters from the shuttle into a 'passenger' hold.
Dunno if it's my imagination but it doesn't look like there's much room for a decent sized oxygen tank. Bit iffy interms of flight duration, me:thinking:s. I'd also be concerned about bumping into pigeons at 27,000 mph with that puny bubble! (slight exaggeration there for the space scientists among us .. yes I know 27,000 mph is an approximation of the escape velocity and that at pigeon ceiling the craft would still be accelerating and a long way off reaching said velocity - not to mention whether or not the craft is designed solely for sub-orbital flight and therefore only need to achieve Delta-v, blah, blah...)
Just a quick question.......How do you get back in that thing? doesn't look like an apollo space craft with verious sections, nor does it look like it conducts heat very well..........I think I will give this one a pass, despite my love for space.....I am considering the Nickolodeon version of getting shot out of a cannon barrel as being a far more trusty means of getting into space.

My money is on that thing getting crumbled up trying to exit the atmosphere.......Danes must stick to Pastry and beautiful ladies.
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