Movies The worst film you ever saw.

Anything with any member of the "Brit pack": Hugh Grant, Kiera Knightley, etc.

Anything with the words Harry and Potter in the title.

Anything with the words period and drama in the description.
Anything with the the tagline: "a hilarious teen comedy"...
Anything featuring Adam Sandler or Steven Seagal
Any adaptation of a Steven King book (Shawshank & Green Mile excepted, oh, and the Shining, I suppose)...
(almost) anything that has a numeral after it...
If you ever want a lesson in how not to write a film script, how not to execute the filming, how not to act, or generally how to make the worst film ever then watch an Australian horror film called Road Train. The other half picked it out of the bagain bin at Sainsburys one day and that will be a whole £2 and a few hours of my life I will never get back, shame as what was given in the film had so much potential to become a great story :(
Snakes on a plane...

You are never going to get a good script for such a film, they though hiring Saumuel L Jackson would make the film watchable...
However that film does have Samuel L. Jackson using his Motherfucker line, which rescues at least 1 star for any film. That and Yippe-ki-yay motherfucker are the best swear lines in films ever.
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