We are all well aware of just how out of touch Ecclestone is with the reality of F1.
Last week he held the second of two meetings with the teams, this time with those teams who are generally lower down the grid.
After that meeting he declared emphatically that all of the teams are financially stable and "richer than god".
Now though, Martin Whitmarsh has publicly refuted that claim and stated that on the contrary, most teams are struggling to survive.
This of course isn't news to most of us but once again this just highlights how out of touch Ecclestone is and reinforces the fact that something needs to change.
Whitmarsh had this to say:
Why are the teams unable to break this person's stranglehold on the sport?
It's quite simple - work together and break the cycle.
Get a better deal or walk away; I have no doubt that would result in a change of the current status as without the teams F1 ceases to exist and there goes Ecclestone's cash-cow.
The constant inability of the teams to deal with this most damaging of issues is hugely frustrating for those involved with F1 and the fans.
There are a few articles about this worth reading.