Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
Meh! Remember how upset Hamilton was when he wasn't allowed to race Alonso in Monaco in 2007? What goes around comes around.

Two different situations.

Anyway, it was two years ago, just feel there was more to it but the Red Bull situation hid it behind the covers.
Meh! Remember how upset Hamilton was when he wasn't allowed to race Alonso in Monaco in 2007? What goes around comes around.

Slightly inaccurate as I recollect. McLaren told both drivers to turn their engines down, both complied. However, there was no order to stop racing so Hamilton continued racing whilst Alonso played safe. James Allen nearly had an orgasm when Hamilton caught up Alonso but, as Martin Brundle pointed out, there was no way past.

After the race Hamilton gave an interview to the press stating that he was upset due to being treated as the number two driver as he had not been allowed the better strategy at Monaco which as a Senna fan he was entitled to.
Thanks for the clarification Bill, although I recall Hamilton being told to hold station behind Alonso for fear of them taking one another out but it was a long time ago.
Funny - googled both of your suggestions and found nothing...:nah:

Your browser must have different Buttons than mine LOL

Anyway these here are facts that are in the public domain:

After Turkey race Button said "they didn't put a lap time on it. They just said you have got to save a bit of fuel".

so his excuse then was that he overtook Lewis because they didnt tell him a delta and he was going to save fuel later in the race instead

The next week at Canada Button said '"I was told to save fuel and I was given a (target) lap time, and that was 1m31s,"

So now his excuse is that he overtook Lewis because Lewis did a 1m33s and he stuck to the 1m31 he was given and was surprised to find himself faster

I am not sure what can be disputed here, and I have nothing to add at all to this
But CFS - all you've done is quote from that one article you found that backs up your claim! One article in the public domain does not make it "well-documented", particularly when there is no corroboration from other sources - all that article ultimately does is dress up the author's opinion as "FACT".

For all your protestations about beating disagreement with more powerful argument, frankly this one's a bit weak.
For all your protestations about beating disagreement with more powerful argument, frankly this one's a bit weak.

ok fair enough, I will try harder

lets assume Andrew Benson of the BBC is dependable and accurate with facts

he says 'For his part, Button said that he had been told to save fuel, but not how much, nor how fast to go' (note he says Button SAID)

Now fast forward to Canada, (they are big and cover motorsports globally)

They report that
'"I was told to save fuel and I was given a (target) lap time, and that was 1m31s," Button told reporters in Montreal.

Lets assume that its true that Button told reporters in Canada this different story then we would expect reporters from outside Britain who are not friends with Button to report this right?

so here are American, Indian, Canadian and Im sure other reports if you care to look thru them.

So which team member was forced to resign because JB"lied"?

That's below the belt, and its also a whole different can of worms LOL
Why is it below the belt? If Jenson did tell a fib, how is it any different? I can understand Lewis being miffed, as he was told Jenson would not pass, but that is not what Jenson was told. Whether he was given a target or not is almost inconsequential, especially if lewis was a way off that target.

Needless to say, with reference to Australia 09, lewis lied, and was found out, whatever the reasons, so why do we not refer to lewis as sneaky? It only happened once after all. And if we are allowed to use one event as evidence of a persons character then I feel we are all in trouble.
Ok, fair point. It was not the truth though, so he was told by the team to lie to the stewards, which he did. For the record, I have not and do not tarnish lewis record based on that one event, and the comments were supposed to be tongue in cheek.

My point then is simply that if JB did lie, shame on him, but, the nature was inconsequential, as the outcome would have been no different either way. To use this incident as a guide to Jenson the person, ie he is sneaky as seems to be the case is frankly ridiculous.

Apologies for swerving off topic, I shall now desist.
ok fair enough, I will try harder

That you did - fair play to you. I still find it difficult to be persuaded that the incident you refer to is "well-documented" though, and to be honest I don't think we're ever going to agree on that one.

However, it's worth reposting something Brogan found:

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