Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
So when a Lewis fan says Lewis does not have mental strength of the required level, and is unable to convince other fans of this then it's silly?

So unless the person you are arguing with sees sense and agrees with you then it's all bad?

It's like Brogan said, why try to change the opinion of someone if you are not able to

For example I will now desist from arguing with you about LH full stop

Well, if you choose to believe that Lewis Hamilton showed no mental weakness last year and is on the top of his game at all times, unless done wrong by, then we will have to agree to disagree. (Note: I had already responded switching "required" to "desired", so I don't appreciate the continuation of your selected quotes and misquotes).

Anyway, let's draw a line under it. There is clearly no scope for reasoning or objectivity. I'm happy, although somewhat dismayed, to leave it there.... and I mean right there. Conversation over.
I can see Lewis fitting in more with a clinical and ruthless Ron Dennis operation than a touchy feely Whitmarsh one. So maybe he needs to move and find somewhere else, apart from Red Bull, I would like him to move to a competitive Mercedes with Ross Brawn
Agree completely with this. I think McLaren have changed since Ron let go the reins, not sure its for the better and not sure lewis fits in. Lewis isnt interested in playing personality contest games, neither was Ron. I think Lewis would work well with Brawn but maybe not until Schumacher has gone...he's still the golden boy at the moment.
I'm starting to believe that Lewis might move on too. The marriage is not working at the moment, despite a beautiful honeymoon. In my opinion, both sides expect more of each other and won't settle for less. Perhaps they might be able better to deliver thier best if they part company.

As a McLaren and a Hamilton supporter it will leave me somewhat torn if and when this does come to pass. I certainly think it will push both McLaren and Hamilton in thier new relationships as they gun to prove that they have done the right thing. I would expect it to be an amicable split with a touch of underlying bitterness on both sides.
Not expecting a team with the pedigree of Mercedes, with the financial backing of Daimler, and management staff like Brawn to remain number four for long
They could surprise everyone in the next year or so, and everything changes soon anyway with new engines etc

They would be a good destination for Lewis once they are truly competitive
Not expecting a team with the pedigree of Mercedes, with the financial backing of Daimler, and management staff like Brawn to remain number four for long
They could surprise everyone in the next year or so, and everything changes soon anyway with new engines etc

They would be a good destination for Lewis once they are truly competitive

Remember that Mercedes aren't doing what most manufacturers do - they aren't simply throwing money at the Mercedes GP team - it iss always interesting to see just how much sponsorship is on the Merc!
I love all the speculation about McLaren not liking Lewis right now. Please remember that they made no real secret about the fact that part way through last season (when it was obvious Lewis was not at his best, was isolating himself from others within the team and frankly was acting like a moody child at times) they wanted to offer him a lifetime contract.

Lewis may choose to leave McLaren but unless something major happens to cause a falling out I am faily sure that, with this piece of information in mind, McLaren would happily see Lewis stay where he is.
I have to admit I don't remember that. Not that I don't believe you Canis but are there any links you can post about this?

Not the best source, but as I don't normally get the details from the press is the first I can find :-

Apparently it was also quoted in the BBC gossip column, but I can't get to the archive for that right now.

To the best of my knowledge, and I have tried to find any link to confirm it, this offer has never been withdrawn but there was a mutual agreement, widely publicised in the press around June last year, to leave contract negotiation until early this year, so I wouldn't be that surprised to see something announced around the beginning of the european races as to his future.
I distinctly remember them trying to secure Jenson for the rest of his driving career with a view to him continuing to work with McLaren beyond that in other capacities. I'm not sure if it would be sensible of Lewis or McLaren to enter into such an agreement at this stage of his career.
Jenson has signed for the rest of his driving career (according to Jenson anyway). He has stated that he will retire if he is no longer driving for McLaren (a quote atributed to him by th BBC last year prior to his new contract being announced). This deal with Jenson was agreed with the offer still on the table for Lewis. The reason for this is that McLaren openly said that they could see that partnership working for them in the best way possible, plus you have to admit, knowing you have a stable driver partnership that is not just going to evaporate at the end of the season is a good thing in terms of designing future cars.

If it is sensible for Lewis to sign such a deal is another question, and one that only he can answer for himself. The payments quoted in the article are fairly good right now and also show a very long term investment into his career from his team, something which has to make him feel more settled and happier being there. But will he get a case of the wander lust in the future? Who knows other than him, and maybe he doesn't even know that right now. But you have to admit, in a career where you are only employed for as long as your employer doesn't find someone better (as Kimi has shown, contracts can always be broken) then having a lifetime contract must be fairly attractive for your longevity.

It should also be noted that McLaren have historically controlled a drivers sponsorhip, and personal deal were frowned upon, however Lewis has been given the freedom to have his own personal sponsorhip from Reebock and with a long term contract deals like that will be easier to come by thus increasing his brand image in the maket place. With the current level of freedom he has over this part of his earnings the future potential is huge, but it does rely on him being on the grid for many years to come. Remeber, Lewis took on Fuller to create a brand image like the Bekhams or Jordan, not just to manage his driving career...
If Jenson's signed a lifetime contract to McLaren then Lewis is absolutely right to hold fire on what he signs up to!
Yep. There is hardly any reason to be desperate. However, if the other potential opportunities start closing up then, at that point, it will be wise for him to secure his future.
The best drivers end up in the best cars. F1 has a history littered with surprises wrt drivers turning up at teams that no one expected

The F1 teams are in it for themselves first, they don't do it for the drivers, the best team will get the best driver available, dumping the current driver whether in a contract or not

The business side of F1 demands this, the stakeholders demand this

Lewis' stock, and paycheck and red carpet into any team on the grid will depend on how he does this season vs his team mate and vs the rest, car difference discounted.

He will wait and see how he is doing when McLaren start tabling contracts, if he is back on his 2007 (true) form then each team will be forced to wait for his decision before the musical chairs begin

Jenson got the best deal he could, at McLaren. Lewis currently has better cards and possibilities as long as he produces

And he now has the best incentive of all

Anyone thinking he might not end up at Ferrari RB or Merc overnight hasn't looked at the F1 history book

Personally I think Whitmarsh's McLaren have found the driver that matches their current ambition, Lewis needs to move, at his age it's not too much of a risk to gamble on a year or so in a new team

Ask Alonso or even MS
Red Bull - Austrian team with German driver who is well favoured by the team and younger than Hamilton.

Ferrari - Alonso has long term contract and Ferrari have always preferred to have a number one driver.

Mercedes - not throwing money at F1 to get further up the grid; Schumacher gets most of his money from sponsors, they also notably have two German drivers.

Force India could have been an outside punt due to their link with McLaren but it seems that they may well have money problems.

At the moment I would advise Hamilton to stay put but then he still has the problem that Button could pinch the odd wins which could make the WDC difficult.

Overall maybe RBR is the one to sound out.
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