Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
Well he did win three times, finish second three times behind the WDC and qualify on pole once, so I think it's fair to say he did perform to the best of his ability on many occasions.

Not questioning Lewis's ability, just CFS assertion that He could have used it more last year in certain races to stay more focused.

19 races - that's all - 19 x 2 hour stints in an entire year to focus on what you are paid millions for - ffs
Well he did win three times, finish second three times behind the WDC and qualify on pole once, so I think it's fair to say he did perform to the best of his ability on many occasions.

He performed to the best of his ability on occassions, not 'many', and not enough. Had he done so Button would have been out of the reckoning. He has Button beaten on speed and I believe thats where this round of discussion started. He messed up last year and he knows it.
2007 was different. I believe more was at play there due to the Mclaren/ Ferrari fiasco. If it wasnt he still beat a double world champion in his rookie year, no mean feat (and the tyre issue I'd lay at McLarens door not Hamilton's, he was begging to be brought in)
I offer this quote from Felipe simply from the perspective of discussion:

Felipe was also asked if he was getting used to the idea that his future with Ferrari could be decided based on results: “No, absolutely not. I’m heading into the season aiming to do my best, inside and outside the car, as I look to be competitive and to be able to fight for the most important goals like wins and results. If you drive with your mind on anything else you won’t do your own work properly.

For me this sums up Lewis in 2011. When he had his mind in the right place we saw the Lewis of 2007/8; when his mind was elsewhere he was a long, long way from his peak.
Martin Brundle's take on Lewis's problems:

Lewis Hamilton has to refocus and stop wasting too many opportunities.

If you’re going to beat Sebastian Vettel in that Red Bull, you’d better be getting up very early in the morning, and thinking about it all day every day. And I don’t think he has been. Lewis has raw speed and determination, but I think he’s going through a difficult time. He said, ‘If I only win one championship it would suck’ and he’s right. He needs to steady everything around him. Vettel is totally focused and has such a simple lifestyle and Lewis hasn’t. I suspect the only person who can properly fix things is Lewis. And he isn’t going to walk away from the rappers, the celebrity girlfriend and the Hollywood lifestyle.

The whole article is an interesting read - yeah, I know it's the Mail but it was either that or the Sun on Sunday (all that was left at the newsagents).
We really know little about Lewis' lifestyle. He likes rap music and his girlfiriend is ,like him, a celebrity. Holywood lifestyle? Thats not what Ive heard. Ive heard he's happiest with his family and close friends around him having a BBQ....and thats from Lewis' mouth not the Daily Mail's. Lets not assume Lewis cant focus because he has a famous girlfriend and likes a particulat type of music...cos thats a very unfair assumption. Plenty of racing drivers have famous girlfriends, and i'd hazzard a guess they also like listening to music.
I suspect that if Lewis has a great season and unleashes his ability without being hampered by stewards and predjudiced persons in positions of power then his choice of leisure pursuits will not be an issue

I don't see Lewis as a James Hunt or even as a Kimi when it comes to partying and living it large, he is not even comparable to Button in his first 5 years

Brundle is different from Lewis, maybe he didn't have a celebrity lifestyle but then he never attracted the scrutiny an F1 WC (or even race winner) attracts. But he has a valid point, if Lewis' association with Hollywood is a distraction from F1 then he needs to sort this out and maybe shelve it till he retires.

Only Lewis knows, and only Lewis knows what he wants, would he be himself if he denies himself those things that make him happy?

Will multiple WCs make him happier if he is not allowed to listen to music or date a singer?

We have seen this before, a driver gets success and money and gets a little distracted, then they ADAPT, lifestyle manager diet etc, it's the mark of a winner. Lewis has said he wants the multiple WCs, he has said he has learnt from last year ( like other drivers have done before)

I prefer to see what happens this season rather than listen to sound bites from drivers of gone years trying to imply that his Achilles heel is a mental addiction to celebrity or a lack of mental strength or an inability to adapt and evolve like other racers past present and no doubt future

Anyway it's good to have a ying and yang battle for supremacy over the next decade

Vettel the efficient robotic cool character vs Lewis' more passionate, intuitive and magical ability

I would like to agree with your defences of Lewis but I am much more inclined to agree with Brundle's analysis. Brundle comments are by no means sensationalist but, once again, you have managed t stretch them and sensationalise them yourselves, almost as if in search of a platform to play victim on Lewis' behalf. There's really nothing wrong with Brundle's comments. He is just saying it how he sees it and I'm inclined to agree.

Whether you do agree or not, it's hard to stck it to a pundit for making commentary ad speaking his mind. Isn't that what he's paid to do?
I suspect that if Lewis has a great season and unleashes his ability without being hampered by stewards and predjudiced persons in positions of power then his choice of leisure pursuits will not be an issue

That is highly unlikely IMO to happen, because I hardly believe that many of Hamilton's detractor's will ever change!
We really know little about Lewis' lifestyle. He likes rap music and his girlfiriend is ,like him, a celebrity. Holywood lifestyle? Thats not what Ive heard. Ive heard he's happiest with his family and close friends around him having a BBQ....and thats from Lewis' mouth not the Daily Mail's. Lets not assume Lewis cant focus because he has a famous girlfriend and likes a particulat type of music...cos thats a very unfair assumption. Plenty of racing drivers have famous girlfriends, and i'd hazzard a guess they also like listening to music.

I honestly don't get why journolists are constantly guessing to the state of Hamilton's private life and why he is under so much more scrutiny than other F1 drivers. Yeah he's mixed race and yeah he's got a famous partner but so what. The way I see it is he had four great seasons (2007-2010) and in 2011 he performed sub-par in some races (was sometimes unfortunate) and brilliant in others, it's true you learn more from mistakes rather than triumphs, so I reckon we'll see the Hamilton of old in 2012.
You have to ask wether the media attention is a result of public interest or whether public interest is a result of media attention. I would suggest thateople will come to thier own conclusions but that the questions journalists are asking are the same as we, the fans, are asking.
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