Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
Well it not me he's got to worry about giving him time its Seb Vettel, Fernando Alonso, Nico Rosberg, Nico Hulkenberg, Jenson Button, Jean-Eric Verge and Sergio Perez that might not be as patient!

Whoa, steady on mad monk

Alonso and Button are the ones who will be more worried by the ravages of time on their likelihood of winning another WC

Rosberg has had all the time in the world

The youngsters haven't even won a race yet, one guy hasnt even driven an F1 race yet

Nope, Seb is his biggest competitor for the 10 next WCs

So far
I believe that the most meaningful of Brogan's, or anyone else's stats, that of total points, shows Button ahead. All else is irrelevant.

It might be to you.

But it proves to me that all Lewis needs to do is be aware of the F1 trickery & mind games & learn to be as selfish as Button.

This year........ LH has already had the Sutil case/whinging to the press to contend with. He may have to attend the appeal. There were other drivers present so why are Sutil & his father targetting LH?

Most in F1 are in it for themselves, LH needs to join them.....but his followers like him the way he is.
It might be to you.

It might well be to the records, team principals, F1 fans, bookmakers and many more.

But it proves to me that all Lewis needs to do is be aware of the F1 trickery & mind games & learn to be as selfish as Button.

I always enjoy a good comedian.

This year........ LH has already had the Sutil case/whinging to the press to contend with. He may have to attend the appeal. There were other drivers present so why are Sutil & his father targetting LH?

Most in F1 are in it for themselves, LH needs to join them.....but his followers like him the way he is.

Maybe Sutil had hoped that a good friend (didn't one of the commentators say that they even play golf together??) would stick up for him in court. I wasn't there, so I don't know the facts, but maybe Hamilton didn't see anything. If so why didn't he explain that to Sutil?

If Hamilton isn't in F1 for himself who is he there for?

I am not anti-Hamilton but do think that sometimes some of his fans think that he is more than he is.
Whoa, steady on mad monk

Alonso and Button are the ones who will be more worried by the ravages of time on their likelihood of winning another WC

Rosberg has had all the time in the world

The youngsters haven't even won a race yet, one guy hasnt even driven an F1 race yet

Nope, Seb is his biggest competitor for the 10 next WCs

So far

Fixed that for you ;)

Heh - ok I obviously didn't mean this season - I was just suggesting that if Lewis doesn't take his oppotunities in the next few years there is plenty of talent young and old on the current grid waiting to jump in and take them for him (I listed the youngster because I see them as the up and coming talent).

I'll also say the same thing about Alonso and Button as well though.
What have I missed? :popcorn:

I can't help feeling a tad guilty that it seems to have been my post which set the latest bout of discussion off.

I stand by my comments though and this from someone who considered Hamilton to be a welcome and exciting breath of fresh air when he entered the F1 scene in 2007.
Bro, without meaning to repeat points I made earlier or to create a circular argument, I have just 2 questions

What exactly leads you to conclude that despite his previous track record and achievements he does not have the mental strength required, were those luck?

and seeing as we are measuring mental strength where would his appear on a grading of the current grid?
What exactly leads you to conclude that despite his previous track record and achievements he does not have the mental strength required, were those luck?
Last season demonstrates it fairly well IMO.
No doubt you disagree.

Not to mention him failing to seal it in 2007 despite having a healthy lead. Let's face it, squandering a 19 point lead with 2 races to go takes some doing.

and seeing as we are measuring mental strength where would his appear on a grading of the current grid?
I don't know.
I haven't carried out that exercise, nor do I plan to.

Like you, I'm entitled to my own opinion of any driver on the grid.

Edit: I'd like to draw a parallel. After the 2007 season lots of Alonso fans were desperately claiming that Hamilton hadn't in fact beaten Alonso as they were level on points. The Hamilton fans of course dismissed this (quite rightly), stating that as Hamilton finished 2nd in the WDC and Alonso 3rd, then Alonso was in fact beaten.
Now we see a similar thing being claimed by Hamilton fans, that being that Button only beat him because of x, y and z. The hypocrisy is incredible, not to mention that desperation that to acknowledge the fact that Hamilton was fairly beaten by Button somehow belittles Hamilton or his previous achievements.

Some fans need to gain a little perspective and accept that there can only be one winner, one runner up and so on.
Hamilton came fifth this season, not only beaten by his own team mate, but also two other drivers from different teams, one of whom was absolutely spanked by his own team mate.

Perhaps 2012 may be different. We shall know soon enough.
Without wanting to stir up another hornet's nest, might I suggest that mental strength comes from dealing with challenge and adversity in a positive way.

Whatever Lewis's bugbears were last year, he allowed them to undermine his innate talent and the results are for all to see.

We are lead to believe that he is in a 'better place' this season - he has new and more supportive management and has rekindled his relationship. All good, supportive roles help, but the strength must come from the main man - in effect, he has to isolate himself and get on with the job in hand if he is to have more WDCs.
CFS- What is a "second-year rookie" besides an oxymoron?
You are ofcourse absolutely correct, I should have really said second year newbie or post rookie year driver, but I suspect you were not too confused by what I meant

Edit: I'd like to draw a parallel. After the 2007 season lots of Alonso fans were desperately claiming that Hamilton hadn't in fact beaten Alonso as they were level on points. The Hamilton fans of course dismissed this (quite rightly), stating that as Hamilton finished 2nd in the WDC and Alonso 3rd, then Alonso was in fact beaten.
Now we see a similar thing being claimed by Hamilton fans, that being that Button only beat him because of x, y and z. The hypocrisy is incredible, not to mention that desperation that to acknowledge the fact that Hamilton was fairly beaten by Button somehow belittles Hamilton or his previous achievements.

To be fair I think most Lewis fans accepted that Button beat him where it counts, on the table on the last day, as far as claiming mitigating circumstances I think most F1 followers will suggest that this was a result against the expected natural order due to reasons outside racing ability. The fact that even now 2 out of 3 knowledgeable F1 followers polled have Hamilton as the favourite to beat his teammate in 2012 confirms this

Without wanting to stir up another hornet's nest, might I suggest that mental strength comes from dealing with challenge and adversity in a positive way.

/snip but the strength must come from the main man - in effect, he has to isolate himself and get on with the job in hand if he is to have more WDCs.

Spot on wrt mental strength, this would suggest that mental strength is built up and achieved with experience and overcoming obstacles. Lewis' background and rise through the ranks and his beating of 2 current WCs in the same car must by definition mean that he has the required strength. Last year he didn't use it all and was distratlcted yes, but I don't think we can now say that he doesn't have it innately because of parts of one season

He could have used it more last year in certain races to stay more focused and yes he needs to avoid this happening again if he is to win many more WCs, but if he were to mess up again this year after Nicole leaves him and turns to drink then we could say he has lost it
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