Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
Went out for 1 beer last night and came back £150 lighter. The likelihood is that I'll buy you a drink before you have finished the last one I bought you.


I think you under-estimate how fast I drink when someone else is buying.

heh - was only kidding Ninj - light up them Sambucas eh?
Well it not me he's got to worry about giving him time its Seb Vettel, Fernando Alonso, Nico Rosberg, Nico Hulkenberg, Jenson Button, Jean-Eric Verge and Sergio Perez that might not be as patient!
2012 hasnt even started and yet the anti-Hamilton drivel across the forums and media is in full flow. The amount of people out there hoping he will fail is staggering with many dismissing him as inferior to Button (the score was 1 1 last time I looked), Alonso (1 nil) and Vettel (super fast car). Bernie's comments are another typical example and is just pure shit stirring. But its not just that - you also get the feeling that he, along with every other detractor actually revel in it and want to see this guy fall flat on his face. Why ?

I pray that this season Hamilton re-discovers his form of 2007 and absolutely wipes the floor with his teamate, the media and all the other bandwaggon jumpers who are lining up to take a pot shot - all because early in his career his super confidence was interpreted as arrogance. He was British and had the audacity to actually be good !! How dare he.

I pray that this season Hamilton re-discovers his form of 2007 and absolutely wipes the floor with his teamate, the media and all the other bandwaggon jumpers who are lining up to take a pot shot - all because early in his career his super confidence was interpreted as arrogance. He was British and had the audacity to actually be good !! How dare he.

So do I, but in the meantime could you get a grip please? Oh, and btw, I think he is still British.
2012 hasnt even started and yet the anti-Hamilton drivel across the forums and media is in full flow. The amount of people out there hoping he will fail is staggering with many dismissing him as inferior to Button (the score was 1 1 last time I looked), Alonso (1 nil) and Vettel (super fast car). Bernie's comments are another typical example and is just pure shit stirring. But its not just that - you also get the feeling that he, along with every other detractor actually revel in it and want to see this guy fall flat on his face. Why ?

I pray that this season Hamilton re-discovers his form of 2007 and absolutely wipes the floor with his teamate, the media and all the other bandwaggon jumpers who are lining up to take a pot shot - all because early in his career his super confidence was interpreted as arrogance. He was British and had the audacity to actually be good !! How dare he.

its not even the start of the season yet an all the "anyone who says anything slightly bad about Lewis is a moron" crowd are already out and about knocking eveyr other driver and lining up the excuses as to why they are total crap compared to Lewis.

A forum is for debate and no one is criticising Lewis just debating his form and skill compared to his competitors - and its all been very friendly and bantering at the min. if you're so sensative that it annoys you so massively I suggest you don't read it otherwise please jog on before the whole "Lewis not Lewis" thing gives Brogan and the rest of the mods a nervous break down.
There's no anti-Hamilton drivel going on here. No anti-Hamilton anything. If something comes across as negative it doesn't make it either drivel or prejudice. When my school report said "could do better" or "easily distracted", it wasn't because my teacher didn't like me.
2012 hasnt even started and yet the anti-Hamilton drivel across the forums and media is in full flow. The amount of people out there hoping he will fail is staggering with many dismissing him as inferior to Button (the score was 1 1 last time I looked), Alonso (1 nil) and Vettel (super fast car). Bernie's comments are another typical example and is just pure shit stirring. But its not just that - you also get the feeling that he, along with every other detractor actually revel in it and want to see this guy fall flat on his face. Why?

I suppose you haven't noticed our team-mate prediction game? By my reckoning 20 out of 30 entrants so far have intimated that they believe Hamilton will beat Button in 2012 according to the criteria we judge on. That is hardly an overwhelming anti-Hamilton sentiment.

I would recommend you go over there and have a go.

By the way, the reason many are dismissing him as inferior to Vettel, Button and Alonso is because two out of the three of those beat him in equal or inferior cars last season, and the other beat him by 165 points in a car that was only marginally better than the McLaren. That is not controversial, it is not shit stirring and it is not willing him to fail. So please moderate your comments before someone else is forced to do so.
whoa hold on.

My post was NOT a rant at anything thats been written on this forum. As this is a Hamilton thread I was moaning out loud in a - speaking amongst friends kind of way about all the negative articles mainly on news sites and many of the comments that have been posted at the end of the articles - and I expected some to agree but after reading some the responses (ouch) I've since read my post back and can see it was badly worded.

This is the best and the most informative of the F1 forums. Compared to others it is friendly and mature and whenever I've posted previously it has always been in a friendly manner. So apologies folks. Go Hamilton.
I pray that this season Hamilton re-discovers his form of 2007 and absolutely wipes the floor with his teamate, the media and all the other bandwaggon jumpers who are lining up to take a pot shot - all because early in his career his super confidence was interpreted as arrogance.

I hardly think, and never thought that Lewis would wipe up the floor with Jenson, but his 2007 form isn't gone, i.e. China, Germany and Abu Dahbi last season, should put your mind at rest.

Hamilton's self confidence being interpreted as arrogance doesn't suprise me, because here in the states arrogance is viewed by many as being a main characteristic of black athletes.
I hardly think, and never thought that Lewis would wipe up the floor with Jenson, but his 2007 form isn't gone, i.e. China, Germany and Abu Dahbi last season, should put your mind at rest.
Yeah - wipe the floor was maybe a tad aggressive - lets moderate that to beat his teamate 'decisively'. :)
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