Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
Il_leone Mercedes may fall back, they may go forward, but Lewis is clearly one hell of a Lot happier. I hope Rosberg is competitive but see no reason why this should threaten their friendship.
teabagyokel Im sure neither will want to be beaten, but it will only threaten the friendship if the team start treating one of the drivers unfairly, I doubt either Lewis or Nico or Mercedes will want one driver treated unfairly so I can't see any problems.
teabagyokel Im sure neither will want to be beaten, but it will only threaten the friendship if the team start treating one of the drivers unfairly, I doubt either Lewis or Nico or Mercedes will want one driver treated unfairly so I can't see any problems.

I take it you and a good friend have never competed for the same job? The closer they are the more difficult it will be. It's a lot easier when they are poles apart.
racecub - If I read him correctly, Lewis Hamilton is a winner who believes he is the outright best driver in Formula One. If he is beaten at any point he is beaten by a team-mate he will assume there is unfair treatment, thus it will threaten their friendship.

I suspect Rosberg is similar.
teabagyokel Yes Lewis believes he's the best...and maybe Nico believes he is too. But I still think they'll handle it professionally and remain friends. Of course I could be wrong , but I think they're both straightforward guys who won't want to win by having a friend treated unfairly. This is just my opinion and I understand others will differ, and if it turns out Im wrong , I'll come back and put my hands up to it :thumbsup:
racecub - If I read him correctly, Lewis Hamilton is a winner who believes he is the outright best driver in Formula One. If he is beaten at any point he is beaten by a team-mate he will assume there is unfair treatment, thus it will threaten their friendship.

I suspect Rosberg is similar.

ive seen lewis call alonso the best.i think all drivers tho have to believe they are better than their team mate,otherwise wheres your motivation going to come from?lewis and nico have been teamates before,they didnt fall out back then did they?
nico has it in his contract,he cannot be treated as a number if merc give lewis num 1 status,itll only be because nico agreed to that.they cant force him because thatll breach contract.
plus as far as i know,lewis has never asked for num 1 status during his whole time in f1,because he believes all he needs is equal treatment.
Lewis and Nico were team-mates a long time ago when the steaks were rump... not rib-eye, fillet mignon and wagyu...

At the mid point of the season, Lewis has 123pts to Nico's 74pts... LH leading qually 8-1 ...

Nico - I don't think I am treated equally... my contract says I cannot be treated as a number 2 ...
Brawn - I know Nico... ooo'er I know Nico...
Lauda - Maybe you should talk to papa ... get some tips from him ... he did race a season with Alain and get his nuts clipped ...
Toto (Rosanna... Rosanna) - maybe you should start with beating him on the track ... and then we talk ...
remember Rosberg is still unproven as a true front runner and this is his first true competitive teammate in F1 and one that could threaten his F1 career

the jury is still out how good Rosberg is given his past teammates in F1

I don;t think it will help Hamilton if he gets beaten by another teammate as the aura of invincibility is diminished and lift Rosberg's status

Remember NIco did not join MClaren because his dad thought Lewis beating him will dent his upward path in F1
and he is out of contract I believe this season so could be fighting for his F1 career
well, I guess this article for me shows Hamilton's two greatest motivations for moving

1. Wanted out of McLaren
2. Wants that second WDC and more

I know this is hardly a revelation to the majority but I guess with Merc being second choice they had to make it worth his while

Mark's going to have to seriously pull his finger out this year then...
I'm not sure that 'driver was keen to join best team' is really news. Of course Lewis wanted to join Red Bull! Who wouldn't? And of course Red Bull considered him, he's one of the best drivers in the world. But at the end of the day there is usualky only room for one rooster in the hen house.

I wouldn't class Merc as his second choice just the realistic choice.
He's trying to make up for the lack of any real controversies so far this season. Something Rootersport desperately needs because so far I've had very little to satirise! Bernie's thinking of Fenderman's head inhabitant's jobs, obviously8-)
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