Quasars are so active and suck up so much matter they shine brighter than an entire galaxy of stars.
So far, 200,000 quasars have been identified. The closest is 780 million light years away and the farthest is 28 billion light years away.
The largest known quasar devours the matter equivalent of 600 Earths every minute
The brightest known quasars consume the mattar equivalent 1,000 Suns every year.
In 1 second a quasar can release enough energy to fuel the electrical energy needs of Earth for the next 1 billion years.
A black hole with the mass of the Sun will fit in a small town.
A black hole with the mass of the Earth will fit in the palm of your hand (not advisable).
So far, 200,000 quasars have been identified. The closest is 780 million light years away and the farthest is 28 billion light years away.
The largest known quasar devours the matter equivalent of 600 Earths every minute

The brightest known quasars consume the mattar equivalent 1,000 Suns every year.
In 1 second a quasar can release enough energy to fuel the electrical energy needs of Earth for the next 1 billion years.
A black hole with the mass of the Sun will fit in a small town.
A black hole with the mass of the Earth will fit in the palm of your hand (not advisable).