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It crossed my mind that Bernie's upset at Flavio getting a life ban could have been because he considered him as a possible replacement.  Flav had spoken of stepping down as a team prinicipal for quite some time and you have to wonder if he was the anointed one.

Max Mosley is out of a job but I'm not sure he would be condsidered as an impartial figure and he's not that much younger than Bernie.  One person who I thought could do a good job is Damon Hill.  He is well respected on the grid, has a long list of contacts and ran (runs?) the BRDC so has some exposure to the commercial side of the sport as well as the racing side.

My guess though is we will end up with someone from a city type background who has had experience in the world of sport, perhaps someone like Adam Crozier or similar.

Which team is Lewis Hamilton driving for in 2025?
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