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I really hope there is  a revived French Grand Prix (either at Paul Ricard or a street circuit in Paris (see street circuit thread) bu NOT at Magny-Cours for obvious reasons!), in place of the European round, so the calendar doesn't become too congested, with Russia coming in 2014 and Hong Kong wanting a race. However, I really hope it doesn't alternate with the Belgian Grand Prix, because it is one of my favourite GP's of the year, and I personally don't believe ion alternated races - for example, I just think that the German GP should just be at the Nurburgring, not at the Nurburgring and Hockenheim. So a French GPq would be brilliant, because the first GP ever was held there (in 1894) and it is one of the main motorsport countries not to have a GP.

Have it instead of Valencia, or Bahrain, or even better, both!!!

Which team is Lewis Hamilton driving for in 2025?
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