Drivers' Managers

Ray for Hamilton's new manager perhaps? ;)

I'd probably do a very good job, especially of making sure McLaren left no stone unturned when it came to preparation for qually.

That was a dismal failure at Q3 in Monaco. The car should have started on the front row!!!

And don't get me started on Singapore Q3.

And don't get me started on how Jenson left Lewis to cook on the stove at the very end of the first stint in China where he didn't come in on the lap he was supposed to and left Lewis to lose position to Massa on tyres that were finished!!!


I also would have made a fast, straight line to Charlie Whiting up in Race Control at Monza and knocking down his door insisting Schuey was penalized for double-blocking my boy into Lesmo 1!!!


I'd make damn sure McLaren focused on the faster driver and put everything into Lewis winning the WDC in 2012.

None of this diluting their effort!

I'd have none of it!
And don't get me started on Singapore Q3.

I don't think a Manager can do anything about a fuel rig problem.

And don't get me started on how Jenson left Lewis to cook on the stove at the very end of the first stint in China where he didn't come in on the lap he was supposed to and left Lewis to lose position to Massa on tyres that were finished!!!

And what if Hamilton came in earlier? Could have backed fired his strategy for the race win ;)

I would like to see you in the McLaren garage :)
There was nothing wrong with the fuel rig.

It was brain fade. The fella pressed the fuel out button instread of pressing the fuel in button!


Oh oops! Sorry :embarrassed:

And a manager is going to stop a human error like that though?

Are you telling me, that if you were a manager, you would go around every McLaren employee working in Hamilton's car to check that there is no human errors? ;)
My friend, there seem to be way too many human errors at McLarens. For both cars...but Lewis especially when it comes to final qually prep.

This happens more so than with Ferrari or at RBR.

Perhaps this is part of what Sam Michael was hired to solve?
If I were Charile Whiting I'd ban all driver managers from talking to me if they were of the Ray school of thought. Lewis isn't an anencephalic, I'm sure he is capable of sorting out his own problems if they were indeed problems. McLaren aren't sabotaging anyone in their team. It happens.
If I were Charile Whiting I'd ban all driver managers from talking to me if they were of the Ray school of thought. Lewis isn't an anencephalic, I'm sure he is capable of sorting out his own problems....

Ya...Lewis is going to sort out Charlie Whiting while he's trying to sort out a Schumacher who's chopping him up left, right and centre, eh?

If I were Lewis' manager, i'd be insisting that McLaren/Whitmarsh insist that Race Control give Schumacher a drive through as soon as that double block at Lesmo 1 took place without wasting one more second on it.

If i'm managing Lewis' interests i'd be making damn sure that there were no Double Standards when it came to Stewarding decisions as best as my ability would allow me.

I'd do the talking for Lewis and i'd let him focus on driving the car.

I'd ensure Lewis didn't make any comments about Stewards ("Ali G", anyone) so that it wouldn't come back to him in any shape or form.

I'd take the heat.

Where's his manager?

I don't see McLaren criticising the Stewarding because the title isn't at stake and McLaren don't want to rock the boat with the FIA if they can avoid it. You fight the battles that are worth it. Rattling the FIA's stewarding might not always be in their interests as a whole.

That's where the manager comes in and lays into the stewards with the world's press.

I'd take the heat for my driver.
and If I was Lewis I'd be disturbed at the lack of faith my manager had in me

It's not lack of faith. :no:

It's called not being stupid.

Right now Lewis needs to beat Jenson in the 2011 WDC Standings. If Lewis can't beat Jenson within McLaren, what chance does he have beating a driver who is faster than Jenson at a team where he's fully hooked in?

It would take at least one year for Lewis to feel at one with RBR with Vettel over there. That one year could be vital.

I wouldn't want my driver getting dismantled at a new team by a 'double World Champion' who many pundits are suggesting as "the most intelligent" Ace of the lot!

It would be different if he were pairing-up with Webber.

In addition, there's no guarantee that RBR will make another fast car in relation to McLaren (or Ferrari) for the 4th - and then 5th - year in a row.

Further, my boy will run into the same problem with 'dilution of effort' when it comes to the WDC with Vettel there.

There's having faith...and then there's stupidity.

Lewis ought to be beating Jenson right now.

I predict he will out-score him over the remaining races and then we'll see from there.

You fight the battles that are worth it. Rattling the FIA's stewarding might not always be in their interests as a whole.

And there we have the answer Ray.

That's where the manager comes in and lays into the stewards with the world's press.

And that's where it all goes wrong again.

I will reiterate, everything you have said that you would do bar the contract is the job of the team - not the driver manager. If the manager starts behaving like this all you will serve to do is alienate the whole garage and the stewards through being a notorious chump.

Do you honestly think McLaren aren't serving both their drivers best interests? Because that is what you appear to be saying?
And that's where it all goes wrong again.

I will reiterate, everything you have said that you would do bar the contract is the job of the team - not the driver manager. If the manager starts behaving like this all you will serve to do is alienate the whole garage and the stewards through being a notorious chump.

Do you honestly think McLaren aren't serving both their drivers best interests? Because that is what you appear to be saying?

Yes but Hamberg, my friend, what's wrong for the driver manager to suggest to the world's press that there seems to be a double standard on Stewarding decisions when it comes to Hamilton?

Hamilton gets a drive through for Malaysia whilst has to bare double blocks and the like from Schumacher at Monza.

Hamilton gets a drive through for barely touching Massa at Singapore while others get nothing for wreckless driving which brings out a safety car.

A manager can politely say the types of things to the world's press - while keeping his driver's nose clean - which the team (McLaren in this case) might not want to....with the feeling that the battle may not be worth it with the FIA.

They were fined US$ 100 M just a few years ago and aren't exactly the FIA's and Jean Todt's favourite team.

McLaren, I fear, are trying to keep their noses clean.

Lastly, you can't serve two masters, let alone three masters.

When it comes to McLaren, they need to serve themselves first, then come the drivers...and even within the driver dynamic, there are two masters (Lewis, Jenson).

As I said, you can't serve two masters at once. At least not effectively.
Yes but Hamberg, my friend, what's wrong for the driver manager to suggest to the world's press that there seems to be a double standard on Stewarding decisions when it comes to Hamilton?.

It will piss people off?

. McLaren, I fear, are trying to keep their noses clean.

So? Who do you think the drivers work for Ray? It's in the drivers interest to keep their noses clean too or they might be without a decent drive. Look what happened when Alonso rocked the boat.

P.s. cheers for the McLaren history, I didn't know any of that before! :thumbsup:
After losing the 2007 WDC and having to go back to at Renault for a couple of years. Brilliant few years for him.
I think that when a driver's manager lays into the stewards in front of the media the FIA is not going to look too kindly upon the manager and will partly hold the driver responsible, so I somewhat doubt it will have the desired effect.
Speaking of Nando and managers, here's what his Manager did after the 2010 Australian Grand Prix:

According to James Allen, they (he and Nando) held a "high level" meeting with the Ferrari bosses and argued that by mainting position (MAS - ALO) they compromised an optimal result for fear of not wanting to hurt Massa's feelings.

Alonso recovered from his poor start and spin and caught Massa in Melbourne...but was never able to get by. Massa was all over the road holding his position and Alonso and his manager went to bat in order to have Massa subjugated.

They argued that the team had held up the faster driver that day (Australian GP).

When Hockenheim happened, the genesis was that meeting after Oz. The seed was planted...

...And when Alonso audaciously passed Massa in the rush for tyres in China pit entry, Ferrari just shrugged their sholders and gave Nando first service.

That was the seed germinating!

You gotta love how Alonso's manager worked behind the scenes very early in Nando's Ferrari career!

Where's Lewis' manager working his interests at McLaren?

Answer: No where!
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