Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
I don't know if anyone had the McLaren commentary up but after it happened Hamilton just said "I don't believe it". I can only assume it was in a dejected way as his race engineer (or someone on the pit wall) was straight back with motivational talk and it carried on until the very end, even through the penalty. I know it's probably edited but I think the pit wall did a great job with him and probably helped carry him to the end of that race and into an okay points scoring position. There was no attempt to blame anyone else from what I saw, they just treated it as an it's happened lets do the best we can. And they did, as a team.

It must have been awful to get that backlash, again straight after the race and so publicly. And I'm very disappointed - again with the BBC almost putting on a spoof style video on their homepage.
He did briefly lock his front left before the incident actually which caused the puff of smoke.

I've only just listened to Massa's interview. I'm quite frankly disgusted he is allowed to make those accusations and then to get so personal about it. I wasn't impressed with his comments before the race about Hamilton. Bitter, twisted little man that can't get over 2008.

Contrast Massa somewhat reasonable reaction to Webber turning him around at Monza.

No big deal there!

What did Massa say (other than "good job")?

What did Massa say that was 'personal' and 'nasty'. We don't get all the post-race video coverage in Canada so if anyone can help, that would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Lewis had every right to tell Felipe....." Don't touch me ".....especially in such a manner!

Doesn't seem to be that nasty.

Don't kid youself, it was nasty!
It was cowardly and befitting of a guy who has spent almost two years bending over to lash out at a guy who is seemingly weakened

I think cowardly is a little over the top. Cowards rarely say things to peoples faces. I'm dissapointed in Massa as I don't think it shows him in a good light at all and he really shouldn't have done it but all drivers have done stuff straight after a race in anger that they regret - especially when it comes to the media. The amount of adreniline that must be pumping round after a Grand Prix must be insane and you can't tell that this is the first time ever there has been a slight clash in the media pen.

I guess it shows Massa is feeling the pressure of keeping that Ferrari drive. He probably deserves a slap on the wrists for it and I hope he apologises pretty quick but lets not condem the guy as the anti-christ straight away shall we?
Very interesting and pertinent article, and certainly backs-up some of Hamilton's "must get past now, or I'll be stuck here all day" overtaking attempts that have resulted in contact and/or penalties - and also reinforces my earlier sentiments about the benefits of a manager who could actually help him through the season by reminding him of these changes.

Vettel doesn't actually have a manager, does he? :thinking:
Isn't Helmut Marko his manager? On Hamilton, he's on Simon Fuller's agencies books but does he have someone in the paddock at each race?

It's the type of article that one writes when you need to fill space. In other words, it isn't good. In other words, it's Dog poor!

The fact is that Hamilton surprised some of the top drivers in 2007 but the surprise element is irrelevant in his arsenal now. They are more aware of Hamilton's ability so they defend accordingly.

In addition, F1 is forever changing. So, if a driver can't adapt, he's not going to be a great driver. Hamilton is a great driver but the article is a shit one (it implies he can't adapt).

Hughes uses the reg changes as an excuse when the main two problems are:

1. Vettel's speed and consistency - but with the added sweetner of 100 percent reliability for the RB7 - in the early parts of the season made Lewis put an enormous amount of pressure on himself, notably Monaco where he qualified out of position;

2. Button's more comfortable in the car and had some input into the MP4-26 and he, as a result, turned up the wick a bit. They came together in Canada with Hamilton being worse off. Plus Button's smooth style helped him on the Pirelli front in relation to 2010 v Lewis.

That's two prongs of increased/excessive pressure that Lewis faced in a year where tyre management - not his strength - was key. The dam burst open in Monaco/Canada and it's been a flood gate since.

I expect better of Hughes, to be honest.

It's a filler article because Hughes is obliged to write something.
He should dump the girl and get his father to be there for him in the garage.

And he should dump his entourage of "yes men" and hangers on and concentrate on his racing.

Do you guys really think that has anything to do with Lewis' lack of success this year?

He knows he has to make up a performance gap to win races, and that will get you into trouble on occasion. One day he'll have a car advantage and we won't hear any of this nonsense.

edit - Ray, your post regarding the Hughes article is rather dog poor too! 8-) (Meant in the nicest possible terms of course)

Because there's a point to be made there by Hughes, and unsurprisingly you go off on a tangent.

Here's the root of Lewis' woes. For all intents and purposes there has never been a title race this year. Hamilton's been overdriving the car in search of GP victories. When you're on the limit every lap, things can go wrong.

A Gilles fan would know this better than anyone. Mistakes happen when you're pushing all the time.
Here's the root of Lewis' woes. For all intents and purposes there has never been a title race this year. Hamilton's been overdriving the car in search of GP victories. When you're on the limit every lap, things can go wrong.

A Gilles fan would know this better than anyone. Mistakes happen when you're pushing all the time.

I understand it. And I forgive it. (I said in my post "Lewis is a great driver"). Lewis was in a title race but that was ended - for all intents and purposes - at Monaco/Canada.

I say the pressure of being on the limit comes from having to deal with Vettel/Button...but Hughes suggests it's the reg changes.

In my opinion Hughes is wrong and i'm right. But that's my opinion. :)
Seeing the name Gilles reminds me of something I meant to post the other day. It occured to me that although Lewis has a dream that he is the new Senna I think he is much more like Gilles Villeneuve in his approach (though of course Gilles never won a title). I don't think Gilles knew when to drive within himself to bring the car home, it seemed to be either bingo or bollocks at every race. Maybe I'm wrong because I've only read a bit and watched a bit of Gille's history in F1 however, Pironi was far more likely to have won the title in 82 (had they both made it to the end of the season) because he knew when to push and when to sit back.
There would have been, but McLaren have tended not to win the races that they really should have...

I agree 100%

McLaren said they had the fastest race car in Spain-Monaco-Canada...and who can argue. They were the fastest in those races in clean air.

McLaren and, more importantly, Hamilton himself said that Spa-Monza were two races that McLaren could have won...and i'm not going to argue with them.

Lewis' "woes" (Keke's words) have been compounded by shoddy McLaren service at times...

...But Mark Hughes doesn't bother mentioning it, does he?
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